Jeremy Horn = Next UFC LHWT Champ

That's right. Sure he had his shot at it back in August and lost, but he will return to fight for the belt, mark my words.

He'll come back and defeat Babalu and defeat whoever the champ is at the time.

You heard it from me first.

Rickson by armbar

Although WTFU is smart, I agree that at 185 he is UNBEATABLE!!! :)

He will eventually be the 185 lb. CHAMP!!! :)

PS. Nicknitro is a moron IMO.

Disco, he won, didn't he?

I like Horn but Franklin would beat him just as bad as Chuck did

Horn is great, no doubt, but he is a better gym rat than champ material. Training other fighters and fighting easy fights in all those chicken shit shows probably hurt his competative edge.


He was MORE aggressive, and all Prangley did was hold him down. Kind of hard to look impressive when your opponent doesn't want to fight!


They won't fight. They are both managed by Monte. Jeremy will have to wait until Rich loses, I assume.


NOBODY has EVER stalked Chuck like Jeremy did! Jeremy took it to him! He came up on the losing side of things, but like I 185, I think he is UNBEATABLE! :)


I know you didn't mean any disrespect, but I kind of took exception to the "clowned" remark. 205 is a deep weight class, and I think Jeremy could be a BIG impact on it. However, we can both agree that at 185, he would be a force!


If horn/marquardt happens, do you see marquardt posing any kind of threat?


Of course! I think Nate is much better than he showed in his previous UFC fight. I think that Nate will make this a VERY good fight. However, IMO, Jeremy will win a close one. I do not see it as being one sided, although I hope that it is! ;) lol

horn hasnt looked good in the ufc recently

He hasn't?

He stalked Chuck for 3 rounds STANDING, and holding his own, before verbally submitting.

He beat a guy that took him down and did NOTHING, while staying offensive from the bottom- and WINNING!

I think is very good. However is certainly is beatable. And if I would have been wrong, you guys jinxed him by calling him "unbeatable". lol


What weight are you talking about? 205-He is TOUGH, IMO. 185-He is UNBEATABLE, IMO.

What do you think?

Horn lost to Silva at 185 in Korea, didn't he? (Anderson Silva that is.)

I understand that Horn hurt his knee or something along those lines (didn't see the fight, but Monte posted about it...), but that can happen to anyone at anytime. Point being, if Anderson had hurt himself, we'd be saying something along the lines of "those Brazilians always have an excuse" all we can say is that Horn HAS lost at 185. (and we know that Anderson is beatable at 185)

Being held down for 3 rounds because your opponent is not opening up is an excuse. If we use that argument, the Miletich camp would have a much harder time explaining how Miletich became the LW champ in the first place (as he held UP Burnett in a fight that led to the infamous "no pant grabbing rule"). Note, I do NOT think that Burnett won. Miletich won fair and square, Horn did too (missed that one too though). But you can't say that Horn was held down. If you are good enough, your opponent will run away from you on the ground. You don't see too many fighters just holding Mino down, right? At 205, a lot more people can hold Horn down, so he had better fight at 185 then, right?

At 185, given that Horn has already beaten "The Crow", I can't help but think that Horn could be champion. The problem is that he's just damn unlucky...really, I think that Horn could beat Franklin and all the rest. Or at least be top 3 at 185 (as Franklin is also great).

ps. not fighting Franklin because they have the same manager is lame. A manager is not the same as a coach. Sherk is back with Monte now, and he just fought at 170, so obviously he is willing to fight Hughes again. Menne and Hughes both signed and fought in the Kuwait tournament and had Monte as their manager. Monte is the best manager in MMA, more fighters should be signing with him...even if they train on the other side of the world.

So in conclusion, Horn is great. However, he shouldn't blame his opponent for not being able to get up and do something.

Horn at 185=potential champion.

Not willing to fight a guy with the same manager=problem as Monte as most of the top US talent locked up.

I doubt it.

He won't be champ at 205, but he could definitely beat Rich Franklin and has already tapped David Louiseau at 185.

Horn could definitely be champ at 185, but not at 205 IMHO.

I would like to see the UFC put a Tanner/Horn fight. I think that fight would tell us where Horn stands in the UFC MW div. Beating Tanner would probably put him in the title picture.

I love how when someone (Tito, Jeremy) cannot take Chuck down to save their literal ass, they're some kind of superhero for standing with him.

They. Had. No. Choice.

"Jeremy Horn = OVERRATED "

LMFAO go back to watching TUF and shut up.