Jeremy Larsen vs. Andre Fili

Up next... I got Fili

I picked Larson.

Fili by KO. rnd 1

Goin with Fili in a war. Phone Post

fuuuuuck, wish I would have know he cut at least 25 lbs extra, before I made my picks. can't change my picks on my fantasy league but for hre I'm doing it.

Larson by dec.

Damn Fili looks great

Best ringside doctor ever.

Fili is beastly early on. Phone Post

Finish him now!!!!

holy sheet

Does Larsen have zero sponsors? I didn't see a banner before the fight either.

Not a lot of head movement or.covering up when striking has me a bit nervous for Fili with Larson only throwing bombs.. Phone Post

MY GOD THIS FILI Phone Post 3.0

damn that cut, great fight

man... impressive

Damn, Fili sliced him up bad.

Awesome fight Phone Post

Looked like Larson tapped.