Jerry Moreno's School?

Just researching schools in Eastern NC area and came across New Bern BJJ. Any know if there any good? not lookin to blow up their spot, just lookin for some info.



Several of my friends work out there. New Bern BJJ has always done well in the competitions that I have seen them in. For the most part, they seem to have a lot of great laid back guys who kick mucho butto. =)

Jerry is a black belt under Luiz Palhares. IIRC he has been in the New Bern area for a few years now.

Check 'em out. I think they run classes weeknights from 7-9pm. I'm not 100% sure on that though. They have a website though. Run a google search.

Did he move from AZ?

any idea on training cost?


Dunno if he moved out from AZ.

The cost is a flat fee of $40 monthly.