Jessamyn Duke Pics

SeverianB -

Miriam Nakamoto absolutely destroyed her earlier this year during an Invicta fight.   Crushed her face with a knee, as Miriam is known to do:

I really hope to see Nakamoto on a UFC card soon.   She supossedly is waiting for her ground game to get better, but I don't think it matters when you decimate everyone on your feet.

My teammate, yes Phone Post 3.0

How is Miriam Nakamoto relevant to a thread titled "Jessamyn Duke pics"? While that gif has it's place, it's antagonistic toward the good nature of this thread. Phone Post

Make sure you tune in to UFC on Wednesday. So many great fights. Including Jessamyn Duke vs. Raquel Pennington. I bet we see this fight cvensored for the blood. 

pegson123 -

Make sure you tune in to UFC on Wednesday. So many great fights. Including Jessamyn Duke vs. Raquel Pennington. I bet we see this fight cvensored for the blood. 

I bet we don't. Phone Post

Ch1ef - 

How is Miriam Nakamoto relevant to a thread titled "Jessamyn Duke pics"? While that gif has it's place, it's antagonistic toward the good nature of this thread. Phone Post

this guy gets it +1

Jessamyn's appearance on Eddie Bravo Radio is now up on iTunes and Stitcher, almost 4 hours of stories :-) Phone Post 3.0

Jessamyn Duke on Eddie Bravo's Podcast 

lol, just noticed it's your thread...carry on.

ttt I guess!

Dominique Robinson -
SeverianB -

Miriam Nakamoto absolutely destroyed her earlier this year during an Invicta fight.   Crushed her face with a knee, as Miriam is known to do:

I really hope to see Nakamoto on a UFC card soon.   She supossedly is waiting for her ground game to get better, but I don't think it matters when you decimate everyone on your feet.

My teammate, yes Phone Post 3.0
If she is ready to mingle let me know ;) Phone Post 3.0

Jessamyn Duke being blasted on the cage and in trouble. 

been looking forward to this fight


even before i knew she was a former "model" i thought that little preview of this fight showing her all beat up walking to her corner was fucking SEXY AS FUCK!

Nice thread

You're as sure as done

Jessamyn Duke vs. Raquel Penington airs Wednesday, Oct 9 at 10pm ET / 7 pm PT on FOX Sports 1.


ThEUniT - 
Dominique Robinson -
SeverianB -

Miriam Nakamoto absolutely destroyed her earlier this year during an Invicta fight.   Crushed her face with a knee, as Miriam is known to do:

I really hope to see Nakamoto on a UFC card soon.   She supossedly is waiting for her ground game to get better, but I don't think it matters when you decimate everyone on your feet.

My teammate, yes Phone Post 3.0
If she is ready to mingle let me know ;) Phone Post 3.0

i would christian mingle her unitl the seventh seal was broken



Giddy Up

Jessamyn Duke making weight

Invicta Halloween compeition 

Wearing her Invicta Headphones 

There Will Bee Blood: Jessamyn Duke vs. Raquel Penington airs tonight on FOX Sports 1 - 10pm ET / 7 pm PT