Jesus Dana

Anyone notice how much make-up Dana is wearing in the last TUF episode? Every time he talks it's like a snap filter.

I think Dana can't wait to be done

He still makes appearances on that show? You sure it wasn't just a hologram?

SickEye -

He still makes appearances on that show? You sure it wasn't just a hologram?

He was high fiving Tupac.

SpredSavage -
SickEye -

He still makes appearances on that show? You sure it wasn't just a hologram?

He was high fiving Tupac.

i dont watch tuf. can someone post eggs makeup pics?

He looks like Frank Reynolds after he had his makeup done by the mortician on Always Sunny.

Shepherd Wong - He looks like Frank Reynolds after he had his makeup done by the mortician on Always Sunny.

rofl so perfect

PS dana is a hound

touch -

guy in the back looks totally thrilled