Jesus tiago is tough

elcornjr -
Hammerstein - Who the hell is Jesus Thiago? Phone Post 3.0
This fight shall be remember as "
the passion of the thiago" Phone Post 3.0
Well done. Take my VU. Phone Post 3.0

kostecki - 
gokudamus - And the part where he showed the toughness wasn't just surviving. It was taking a beating, surviving and then getting up and fighting like nothing happened. Phone Post 3.0

I was thinking the same thing. Whenever he would get up or break away off the cage and get back in the open, he just had a look on his face like nothing was wrong. He was still getting tagged but it had zero effect on his composure or demeanor.------That kind of tough is born not made.

I was so amped when he got back up and was still trading! I think some experience came into play too, a youngster may have freaked out

mynameis68 -
elcornjr -
Hammerstein - Who the hell is Jesus Thiago? Phone Post 3.0
This fight shall be remember as "
the passion of the thiago" Phone Post 3.0
Well done. Take my VU. Phone Post 3.0
Take one right back kind sir. Phone Post 3.0