Jingliang vs Lima

Wow great TKO!! Phone Post 3.0

I believe that's 3 straight tko losses for Lima . Feel bad for the guy. Phone Post 3.0

Lingererr Mann - I believe that's 3 straight tko losses for Lima . Feel bad for the guy. Phone Post 3.0
He's the Lance to his brother's Rashad. Phone Post 3.0

Lingererr Mann - I believe that's 3 straight tko losses for Lima . Feel bad for the guy. Phone Post 3.0
He's the Lance to his brother's Rashad. Phone Post 3.0
Sheesh he's not that bad at least he has 1 UFC win Phone Post 3.0

Li Jing had the smoothest post fight interview ever, couldn't understand a word he said but he looked like he was doing a monologue