Jiu-Jitsu Means Business


This will not end well.

"Many black belts don’t realize that becoming a black belt in business is the other half of the success equation.”

I am personally not a black belt. But I did manage to negotiate a 3 stripe blue belt in business.

I completely agree with that blog. But everything is good in moderation. When you start charging for stripes and promotions then your pushing it.

It's no wonder this man and Ari found each other.

is this spam welcome here?

 Keith, i'm a 2 stripe blue but i'm looking to open a school here in Dallas (not too far from Machados) anywho, I was hoping to negotiate for a higher rank, maybe a 3 stripe purple, I have a youtube channel ready to launch and tons of bouncer experience so I think we will mesh quite well if you let me fly your banner.

Think about it $$$

Don't listen to the haters. We know they are probably broke losers who should be teaching out of their garage after all.

Your$ in the bond,



man this could get ugly lol

A lot of people are losing jobs so they can't afford BJJ. I myself struggle some months to keep my school open but the man above seems to be watching over me. Unfortunately I live in an area that is made up of middle class and poor. I can not charge what they charge in L.A. or Orange county.

I might be going back to law enforcement soon so I really won't have to depend on my BJJ Academy to support me any longer when I go back. It will be extra income for me and a way for me to train.

I feel sorry for the people that will always have to depend on BJJ to make a living because this economy is going to be a lot worse in the future. If that happens I will simply teach out of my garage for free for my dedicated students.

BJJ is a lifestyle and I will never stop training or teaching.

"I will simply teach out of my garage for free for my dedicated students.

BJJ is a lifestyle and I will never stop training or teaching."

this is way better than that blog post.

Team Python - I will simply teach out of my garage for free for my dedicated students.

BJJ is a lifestyle and I will never stop training or teaching.

Vote this guy up.

shen - 

It's no wonder this man and Ari found each other.


Team Python - A lot of people are losing jobs so they can't afford BJJ. I myself struggle some months to keep my school open but the man above seems to be watching over me. Unfortunately I live in an area that is made up of middle class and poor. I can not charge what they charge in L.A. or Orange county.

I might be going back to law enforcement soon so I really won't have to depend on my BJJ Academy to support me any longer when I go back. It will be extra income for me and a way for me to train.

I feel sorry for the people that will always have to depend on BJJ to make a living because this economy is going to be a lot worse in the future. If that happens I will simply teach out of my garage for free for my dedicated students.

BJJ is a lifestyle and I will never stop training or teaching.

VTFU!! Oh crap, I am mud!

Bjj market is starting to reach the over saturation point, if we aren't there already. I applaud you Team Python! Well said sir!!

 I like how the OP makes these threads and then never returns.  Gotta be Grandmaster shen instigating this....


Users with different screen names with identical IPs on this thread.





NOTE: it is possible to have the same IP and different screen names if users are sharing a computer or using certain types of networks

 just kidding.

Wow, for a brief moment there, I thought the lies had all come due and the truth had finally been revealed.

Just taking on face value Keith's statement, I do not see any issues at all.

So if you can only roll once a week-just quit

If your an instructor, have issues w money, your students have issues w money-just quit

If you are doing things differently than Keith -just quit

If you don't get paid what (you think) your worth. -just quit

Life coach or just another BJJ coach-I quit