Joe Rogan = puppet

Matt might be deaf, but Joe after the decision did his best impersonation of Helen Keller. Joe is blafs bitch.


If by puppet you mean good employee you're right.

Joe is amazing for the sport. One of the most candid and legitimate human beings on this planet.

You folks are fucking insane.

I also love how this entire place pounces on him for what you percieve as ONE dicktuck when the guy has constantly done the OPPOSITE of dicktuck his entire career.

From commenting live that they need to put knees back in.

To the Affliction comment.

To the hundreds of other comments he made that no one else would have dared to say.

muppet, imo

If I were going to choose a puppet, I wouldn't hire someone who is borderline nuts. Joe should have said something then, but in general he is hardly a guy who keeps controversial opinions to himself. Joe is one of the more honest personalities in the sport.

Not sure what he's contractually allowed to say re: judging, reffing, etc.

boxerboylover1 - you've been bitching about the same shit... no one really cares if the fight was good to "your eyes" so STFU, the point is that judges shit on the cards and comentators kick the dirt on it & changed their views after the decision was anounced...

We'll see what Joe says when he gets back.   I don't buy into any of the conspiracy theory bullshit.  It was a bad decision by the judges plain and simple. 

If there is a conspiracy theory, Joe would be the first on the bandwagon. Especially if involved aliens and Mike Mencia.

Bad decisions have nothing to do with Rogan.  The fact that he didn't make a bigger deal out of it may have had something to do with the show being on Spike rather than PPV - as it was they went 10 minutes over schedule. 

Plus, remember what happened to Bas and Quadros after they shit all over the j/d for Nog/ Ricco.

I don't think it has anything to do with being 10 minutes over schedule. It has to do with keeping his job, there's big money at stakes with UFC breaking out in Europe. Plain and simple.


"I also love how this entire place pounces on him for what you percieve as ONE dicktuck when the guy has constantly done the OPPOSITE of dicktuck his entire career."

thats why every1 is jumping on joe for bitching out, he calls it one way during the fight and dick tucks after the decision...

"thats why every1 is jumping on joe for bitching out, he calls it one way during the fight and dick tucks after the decision..."

Occasionally no matter WHO you are. Be it the emperor of china or the president of the united states.....matters can be taken out of your hands.

I understand your point.

"Bad decisions have nothing to do with Rogan. The fact that he didn't make a bigger deal out of it may have had something to do with the show being on Spike rather than PPV - as it was they went 10 minutes over schedule. "

Anybody actually believing that ...I saw the stream so I know that didnt happen , but even if I didn't im sure someone would have came to Joes defense if that was the case. No wait Joe didnt dick tuck they cut it out! LOLOLOLOL