John Dodson involved in 'near death' car accident

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Was posted earlier,but your link is more informative now.

One of my favorite fighters to watch. I am glad it seems like nobody was hurt, but damn that crash looks bad.

if nobody was hurt is this a big deal?

He was just on MMA roasted talking about his road rage, how he will get out of a car and confront someone regularly. I was pretty sure he wasn’t joking either.

Poor fella couldn’t see over the steering wheel?


I’m confused, it was a “near death” accident, but “no one was seriously injured”??

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Yeah that article is a head scratcher.

you know it’s possible to almost die and not be injured right?

Was he in his car seat?


Glad everyone is alright
why the gofundme? Cause hes missing 1 fight? I don’t wanna be an asshole but this guy has made enough to not be living paycheck to paycheck.

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It is speculative and misleading. A reasonable person reading that “lede” would assume they are referring to near death injury.


Maybe he didn’t call geico

Everything “extra” tacked on to this story just makes him look less sympathetic.

“Got into a bad accident, but everyone is fine. Having some rough times as a result so if you guys wouldn’t mind contributing
” I think people would be more apt to help out.

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That’s hilarious. Small guy syndrome.

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Just letting everyone know we’re all alive and no one is seriously injured. The car we hit was left in the middle of the highway after that person hit an 18 wheel and another car crashed into it as well. He had no Hazzards light, no flares and no other warning to let us know. I hit the car and we rolled. I don’t know how many times but luckily the cables in the median stopped us from rolling onto traffic going the other direction. The guy fled on foot after he saw my vehicle rolled
 I gotta thank infinite for the design of the suv cuz it protected my family and I from dying. We’re just lucky no one died and we can live to see another day and be reminded on how luck we are. Life is short and you don’t know when it’s gonna end so enjoy it while you can.

Glad he and his family are safe and sound, and it’s unfortunate that the car got destroyed, but why the gofundme? Tapology has his disclosed career earnings at 567,000 and that doesn’t include the majority of his fights since payouts weren’t public. It also doesn’t include whatever sponsors paid him.

His career earnings are likely in the seven figure range. He should have some cash put away + investments?

He was just involved in the “Army Of The Dead” Netflix movie.

I think he did some stunts and also some other work effects work.