Jon Jones charged with battery (

Jones right nostril -
Slowshot - 

Can you imagine being his family? How humiliating

His fiance is nothing more than his housekeeper/babysitter. Don't expect a wedding anytime soon, hunny. 

She has his heart, but his cock is community property 

Ha, Eatin ain't Cheatin

VHStapefan -

So he's the Mike Tyson of this generation.

No not even close 

Mike tells  reporters that he will fuck them until they love him. He tells them that he will eat thier children.

Jones has a Bible verse on his chest 


Mike bites opponents ear off

Jones gets caught on peds


Mike rapes a woman.

Jones slaps a waitress on the ass.


Jones is an unlikable goofball

Tyson is a very likable psycho

Jones causes a car accident with a pregnant woman while intoxicated, flees the scene leaving the pregnant woman injured but returns to grab his coke stash and again flees, leaving the injured pregnant woman to her own devices.

I like how you left that one out.


Holly is going to be PISSED.

Swamp Donkey -

Strippers don't tell the truth exactly.. Lol sounds like maybe one is gunnin down a payday out of someone that has a history of bad choices.. This is just a possibility.. 

Lets be honest do you really believe that it wasn't Jones?

"Pulling her down and kissing her neck"

Sounds like Jones to me that disgusting narcicist probably thought he is so sexy he is just going to seduce that stripper.


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"I believe Jon Jones. Did you see what he did to shogun? I can't a believe a man who did that to shogun would do something like that. In my book, jones is innocent."

- dana white.


This is just the residual echoing effect of previous's not a new positive!!! His daughters are gonna be sooooooo proud he was the baddest man on the planet when they grow up. LOL


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Guys, we all know there's an explanation for this that is easily explainable by science. Case closed. 

Flexo -
JoseyWales -

He was at her home at 4 am, It must be rape


Ha. The worst part is courts will still see him as the bad guy even if hes not. Conniving bitches almost always win this shit. Then again his track record says hes usually the one at fault so who knows what really happened. 


You are married or enganged at a strippers house at are the bad guy.

Its not even a secret at this point that Jones sleeps around on his fiancee


The only reason anyone dislikes him is racism,  just ask rogan

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TexDeuce -

Its not even a secret at this point that Jones sleeps around on his finance


News just in: water is wet!

Million dollar body

Half peso brain

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Smart on his part. He needs to re-up on the Picos, recharge the never ending fail passes. How do you buy time? You catch a charge that takes you out of competition for a while. Ducking Walker like the plague..

this POS is going to end up killing someone one of these days

BreakALegAndy! -

If this was the bitch that spiked his drinks with PEDs then she deserves to be choked.

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Ramon Maroni - this POS is going to end up killing someone one of these days


BreakALegAndy! - 

If this was the bitch that spiked his drinks with PEDs then she deserves to be choked. 



BrckNoHitBk -
Flexo -
JoseyWales -

He was at her home at 4 am, It must be rape


Ha. The worst part is courts will still see him as the bad guy even if hes not. Conniving bitches almost always win this shit. Then again his track record says hes usually the one at fault so who knows what really happened. 


You are married or enganged at a strippers house at are the bad guy.

Kirik's "news story" clearly stated how we are supposed to feel about this. He said we need to presume Jones is innocent until proven otherwise. So because Kirik reported how we are supposed to feel, then that is the way it should be. 


He's been so quiet as of late with a string of fights.

I hate to say it, but it felt like something was going to happen with his past behavior and record.

I hope this isn't true. It would be devastating if he had to pay a fine and give a few inspirational strip club lectures.