Jon Jones thought Dana was ripping him. LOL.

I just witnessed some awesome unintentional comedy watching yesterday's pre-fight press conference! It's funny in print but watch it. Worth a laugh.

Q: (To everyone): "Triple-H has said that MMA needs to evolve like WWE did. Often the fights are long, boring, or end too fast. What do you think about an another athlete saying things like that?"

Jon Jones: "I think that's absolutely ridiculous. Think about jiu jitsu dojos and how many there are. Think about wrestling, oldest sport in the world, and how many people love to see a well executed takedown. So for people who think that Jiu Jitsu, wrestling, and fighting a ground match is horrible, I tell them to go watch K-1."

Dana: " I agree. His father in law [referring to Triple H's father in law, Vince McMahon] is starting to let him talk in public now. He'll get better at it, really."

Jon Jones: "oh...[embarrassed moment while everyone laughs]...uh...don't go watch K-1, sorry about that [nervous laughter]"

Dana: "He'll stop saying stupid shit soon". Next question.

9:58 - 10:22

9:28 - 10:27


first time we've heard an honest bones

HexRei - first time we've heard an honest bones

 He's always honest. It's just half the stuff he says gets blown way out of proportion.

Wow Jones loves being the company man. He answered EVERY question possible.

suess - 
BJ Penn MMA - Wow Jones loves being the company man. He answered EVERY question possible.

 that son of a bitch brown noser! 


Or he just likes the attention.


You think he was replaying that whole situation over in his mind while he spaced the next question?

suess -
BJ Penn MMA - Wow Jones loves being the company man. He answered EVERY question possible.

 that son of a bitch brown noser! 



MmmWhiskey - You think he was replaying that whole situation over in his mind while he spaced the next question?

 LOL. Exactly what I thought.

4L Phone Post

Sushi and Thunder Balls - DAS RACIST

Legit LOL.