Cool. See like it’s a real positive for him (weightloss/fitness) and he’s overcoming feeling bullied to pursue something he secretly wanted to do, but was afraid to.
he needs mental strength. he is incredibly sensitive. very thin skin.
ufc98newb -he needs mental strength. he is incredibly sensitive. very thin skin.
Honestly, bruh you are 35 and still have bad flashbacks to high school bullies ? You poor thing growing up wealthy dealing with those hard Cheviot hills BJJ bullies ahaha fuck off Feldstein get over it you ho
Good for him.
I hope he enjoys it.
The Cats Masher -ufc98newb -he needs mental strength. he is incredibly sensitive. very thin skin.
Honestly, bruh you are 35 and still have bad flashbacks to high school bullies ? You poor thing growing up wealthy dealing with those hard Cheviot hills BJJ bullies ahaha fuck off Feldstein get over it you ho
That is your take from JH post? You sound like you are as sharp as a marble.
Looks like Checkyouroil with hair
Muscle Vision -I love his movies
mainly when he was fat...
but wtf is he doing to his hair
looks like an idiot
Turtle was better when he was fat too on Entourage. I don’t like the cute thin Jerry Ferrara unfortunately.
TeamRenzo -The Cats Masher -ufc98newb -he needs mental strength. he is incredibly sensitive. very thin skin.
Honestly, bruh you are 35 and still have bad flashbacks to high school bullies ? You poor thing growing up wealthy dealing with those hard Cheviot hills BJJ bullies ahaha fuck off Feldstein get over it you ho
That is your take from JH post? You sound like you are as sharp as a marble.
Your right I should ignore his bullshit. Team Renzo huh? So you must be very familiar with all the bullies in the BJJ community lol those mean geeky pot heads picking on everyone. Especially in the extremely affluent county of Cheviot Hills, where if you are caught slipping you’ll get “the shit beat out of you” ahaa
He is a legit 1 stripe White Belt
The number of people who are taking negatives from a positive post like that is pretty insane. What a fun way to live.
One of my friends that started his own gym recently said Jonah Hill randomly stopped in for a private lesson when he was in Austin.
Who cares if he can’t spell shit, you pricks act like you’re better than people who are making the effort to learn. That’s the problem with MMA, bunch of clowns who look down on beginners
Dougie - Good for him.I hope he enjoys it.</span></blockquote>
Way too green to be wearing a black g w white belt. Most places won't let you do that.
another celebrity doing bjj …thats cute
Getting stripes on my white belt was a very exciting time in bjj. I stalled out as a purple belt. Good for him.
VoodooChicken -Way too green to be wearing a black g w white belt. Most places won't let you do that.
So at what belt can you wear a black gi? BJJ stuff like this always confused me
Guess he wasn't man enough for Judo.
Would be ironic if he rolled with a chick and got period blood on his gi.
Holy shit he is morphing into Ben Foster