Jonah Hill got his first stripe in BJJ

failure at life -
VoodooChicken -

Way too green to be wearing a black g w white belt. Most places won't let you do that.

So at what belt can you wear a black gi? BJJ stuff like this always confused me

Pajama colours are serious 

ufc98newb -

he needs mental strength. he is incredibly sensitive. very thin skin.

Yeah but the way he's treated in interviews/the media is quite brutal.  Yeah I get it, he's rich and famous, but to have people who are supposed to be interviewing you in a professional manner take their shots at you, unprovoked, for the whole world to see is pretty shitty, especially because they go in about his physical appearance (and not just his weight).  And it's not a one-off, it has happened on several occasions.  I think that would get under anyones skin, regardless of thickness.

oranos -

Hollywood handlers are finally letting him lose weight.


In BJJ. Isn't the term professor,  for your teacher and not Sensei?

TeamRenzo -
The Cats Masher - 
ufc98newb -

he needs mental strength. he is incredibly sensitive. very thin skin.

Honestly, bruh you are 35 and still have bad flashbacks to high school bullies ? You poor thing growing up wealthy dealing with those hard Cheviot hills BJJ bullies ahaha fuck off Feldstein get over it you ho 

That is your take from JH post? You sound like you are as sharp as a marble.

He’s a grown man and used the word "bruh", this suprises you? 


very cool


Good for him!

RocknRolla - another celebrity doing bjj ...thats cute

Guy Ritchie in the house

beat the shit out of him at parties? who was doing juijitsu in highschool 25 years ago? i mean i guess i started in highschool but i was literally one of maybe 2 people. but im also like 6 years younger than him.

BJJ is more than belts, I always tell my young disciple a black belt holds your pants up just as good as a white belt.

I have a black belt in almost all the martial arts except BJJ. My belt im most proud of is the leather belt i made from scratch from skinnning the cow, removing the hairs, tanning and dying it. 

Not a knock on Jonah Hill, but I dont get the idea of stripes on a white belt. To me you are a white belt until you arent. It means alot when you move up. 

ufc98newb -

he needs mental strength. he is incredibly sensitive. very thin skin.


He seems like a Sensitive-Sally…

I like him better when he was fat.

Or as Jonah calls it - Jew Jitsu

ufc98newb - 

he needs mental strength. he is incredibly sensitive. very thin skin.

100% this.  I saw this with his last interview on Howard Stern.  He seems like a little crybaby and also seems like his hollywood lifestyle is turning him into a bit of a douche.  I used to love his interviews on Stern when he was in the first 3/4 of his career - funny and humble, like an everyday sort of guy.  But recently...

In any case, anyone who finds something they love to do and is a positive impacter on their life is doing it right.  I hope he achieves all of his goals and stays with it.  

Newaza freak - 

He can’t spell Sensei either. Lol 

correct.  Its spelled Professor  

Unkind Zuffa -

I like him better when he was fat.

Exactly, how is he supposed to make me laugh now? I feel like he is only doing this for himself, with no concern for movie-goers who are looking for a good laugh.

Bobby Lupo - 
RocknRolla - another celebrity doing bjj ...thats cute

Guy Ritchie in the house

Is that really Guy Ritchie?


Guy is a celeb bjj poineer.  I hate to even say celeb, he is a true bjjer.  He was training BJJ before it became cool and mainstream (Hwood).