Jonathan Goulet vs Anthony Fryklun

WC17 or DowntownMB, I heard there was a fight in the crowd at the end of the event, what happened anyway i left right after the Hominick fight???

Yeah there was a scrap but I was so blottoed at that point that I'm not entirely sure what happened.

Two guys started going at it and everytime someone tried to break it up there ended up being more fighting. This continued for a little bit before it got broken up.

It was a nice scrap.

The girls at the event were hot.

The fans were very educated. There was that pro-Quebec bias as is always to be expected but they still appreciated a good fight. In fact, James Martinez was booed when he came out because of how popular Ouimet is. As the fight progressed you could hear the cheers for Martinez getting louder and louder. By the end of the fight the crowd was almost split.

Any place that has hot girls, a packed dance floor, and playing anything but hip-hop. I can take dance, trance, rock, just no R&B, and no hip-hop. Though if I'm drunk(which I will be) I really don't give a shit about the music.

"WC17 or DowntownMB, I heard there was a fight in the crowd at the end of the event, what happened anyway i left right after the Hominick fight???"

wasn't there last night, I was at tko 19.

for those who were there, how was the metropolis. I seen pictures of it, looked nice. How did it compare to the Pierre Charbonneau centre?

The metropolis was nice, no matter where you sat you got a good view, have no complaints what so ever. Paid 50$ tickets and got a great view.

PS: and yes the girls were smoking

that happened to tony before. he must be very thin-skinned.

goulet sounds like the real deal. ya think he's ufc bound?