would never have happened with Pride rules in effect. The knees to a grounded opponent(at least)and soccer kicks/stomps(unlikely, but would be cool) NEED to be brought back.
First thing I though
Wish he did it to shogun and Mauricio had pride flashback and started viciously soccer kicking him
Didn't it look like a certain
Like a certain apple?
He was just giving a shoutout to the dude on all fours from BLOODSPORT! Knew that shit was real!
Page shouldve kicked the shit out of his arm
collarbone kick ftw.
he came in the cage like that too. isnt that hashads shtick?
Swagger jacker
Purgey - Wish he did it to shogun and Mauricio had pride flashback and started viciously soccer kicking him
Except he made Shogun look like a droopy eyed armless child.
jones took rashads crawl into the ring. but the ape man shit in the cage was ridiculous. imagine trying that on wanderlei.. he would probably illegalally soccer kick you just for disrespectin
that was fucking hilarious and awesome, great exploitation of unified rules and fun as hell to watch I'd like to see it more
KevinMcAllister -What?BuyTheTicketTakeTheRide -Purgey - Wish he did it to shogun and Mauricio had pride flashback and started viciously soccer kicking him
Except he made Shogun look like a droopy eyed armless child.
In the post fight interviews Jones said he did it cuz he was afraid that Rampage was gonna come out the gate knock his head off. Turns out Jones and Rampage like one another.
biggator - collarbone kick ftw.
he came in the cage like that too. isnt that hashads shtick?
Yeah that's rashads walkin
RICH FRANKLIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
K-Dub-"T" -LayNprayFaggotNINJA -LOL.
I never once said I could kick your ass. ....
You can probably kick my ass. NOW WHAT?
