Jones vs DC wrestling....

where is the "Jones popping back up quickly" theory coming from? Has anyone had Jones on his back besides the tall Swedish striker? Phone Post 3.0


Naturally I'm talking about MMA wrestling, we all know Dan is superior in the wrestling department.

How does everybody see the wrestling playing out? Stalemate or one-sided in favor of Dan or Jones?


I don't think dc will be able to get close enough Phone Post 3.0

Voted Up , Bird Watcher...great gifs. What a stud. Phone Post 3.0

One thing's for sure.  You can bet Jones and Greg Jackson have formulated a game plan that utilizes a lot of eye pokes and probably groin shots.  It really depends on who is reffing.  They know they can't get away with much if it's Big John.

ausgepicht - There's no comparison on paper when it comes to pure waters, but it's all about the important distinction that you make: MMA wrestling is a whole other animal.

We haven't seen much from Jones lately. It seemed he really was showcasing it early on and seems to be pulling away from it. Is he training it less or just using it in the ring less? This is a factor. How sharp is his wrestling?

Cormier IMO hasn't had to pull out all the stops with his MMA wrestling. We've only seen it occasionally because most people figure it's a waste to wrestle with him and he seems content to strike. I think Cormier has things to show that he hasn't yet in the MMA wrestling department.

I think this fight in terms of MMA wrestling comes down to this: will Jones wrestle with Cormier in the clinch? If so, Cormier beats him wrestling-wise. If Jones use the Thai clinch WITH his wrestling, I think he beats Cormier wrestling wise.

Being MMA, if he mixes the elbows and knees from the Thai clinch against a shorter fighter, he'll be nailing his takedowns right after a volley.

In my bones, I feel that Cormier is going to strike in the first round - especially since people are sleeping on his punching power. Then as the rounds go on, start looking for those takedowns to get a G&P win. I think that's where he wants to be: in a top position G&Ping.

This is a good analysis.

If Jones gets DC to his back, I think it will be because of an elbow or something similar.

I think Cormier will put Jones on his back several times.

I'll add that DC's single greatest attribute is probably his hips. Watch his TDD against Bigfoot.

His number one move throughout his wrestling career was a freaking go behind. He hit it against Cael Sanderson in the NCAA finals during Cael's senior year. Also, it explains his epic lifts against Hendo and Josh; also his throw versus Hendo.

If Gus' hips worried Jones, he's in for a bit of trouble.


Mike Riordan has a great article on this at Bloody Elbow:

BirdWatcher - I think DC could do well if he employees tactics similar to Randy when he fought bigger guys. Be very wise in when he decides to close the distance and if the take down isn't available then stay busy with dirty boxing until he can toss, sweep or dump him. This should be a great contest to see the strageties that are used.

Phone Post 3.0

Really excellent point.

This fight will be decided in the clinch. Jones is a beast at this range with his elbows and tie ups. But people forget DC is no slouch himself, his first UFC fights where boring to the average joe but DC showed a masterclass in dirty boxing from the clinch

Also, that foot sweep by Randy is beautiful.

Jones uses some nice greco throws. Also uses some real nice leg trips often seen in Judo with his long legs. I could see him maybe catching Cormier with something unorthodox. Overall I see Cormier bringing it to Jones and taking him down at least a few times. If he gasses it will be harder to take him down so cardio will be a big factor as well. Phone Post 3.0

BirdWatcher - I think DC could do well if he employees tactics similar to Randy when he fought bigger guys. Be very wise in when he decides to close the distance and if the take down isn't available then stay busy with dirty boxing until he can toss, sweep or dump him. This should be a great contest to see the strageties that are used.

Phone Post 3.0
Comparing Jon Jones to Tim Sylvia?
Not sure how wise this is. Phone Post 3.0

PoopDooper - 
BirdWatcher - I think DC could do well if he employees tactics similar to Randy when he fought bigger guys. Be very wise in when he decides to close the distance and if the take down isn't available then stay busy with dirty boxing until he can toss, sweep or dump him. This should be a great contest to see the strageties that are used.

Phone Post 3.0
Comparing Jon Jones to Tim Sylvia?
Not sure how wise this is. Phone Post 3.0

Clearly critical thinking is not your forte. Keep It Simple Stupid shouldn't apply to everything.

He wasn't comparing Jon Jones to Tim Sylvia, so please don't dumb down a good thread.

jones hasn't been using his reach enough instead jus bullying his opponent from the clinch doing most of his damage via elbows

jones will look to strike out the clinch DC will look to wrestle

im taking dc

this is going to be the ali vs frazier of mma going to be great for the sport

If DC does get a takedown Bones will get right back up unfortunately

After I watched Lesnar vs Cain for like 2 mins I realized that Brock needed to be in shape to take Cain down about 5-6 times per round because Cain was going to pop up.

Bones will most likely annihilate DC on the feet

I see this as a one sided beat down via Cormier.

I don't say that lightly because I recognise Jon is a world class fighter.

I haven't ever seen Cormier in any real trouble. I think Jones is in for a rude awakening. Phone Post 3.0

Chupacabro - where is the "Jones popping back up quickly" theory coming from? Has anyone had Jones on his back besides the tall Swedish striker? Phone Post 3.0
I'm not 100% butane against Bader, he might have. Phone Post 3.0

In the 3rd once DC can't see a single fkn thing then and only then will Jones initiate a clinch of his own accord to look for a takedown.

I mean that in the spirit of this thread in that is what I really believe what will happen. Phone Post 3.0