Jorge Gurgel - Columbus,OH - 03/28

International Martial Arts Acaedemy is proud to have Jorge Gurgel teaching classes on Tuesday March 28th, from 7:00pm - 9:30pm. 


This class will only cost:

  • $20 for current JGJA Students
  • $30 for all others
  • This will be for both Gi & No-Gi training!

The location of the class will be held at:


International Martial Arts Academy of Columbus

3681 Garden Ct.

Grove City, OH 43123




Space is limited, as we can only facilitate 30 people during this class. Everytime Jorge was here, we have a packed house!!! 


If you have any other questions, please contact me (via email or phone) at:


Dustin Ware

Team Jorge Gurgel

614-288-0398 (Cell)

Anyone that thinks that may want to check out this class, please drop me an email at

Dustin Ware

This will be a No-Gi Class...

Spots are filling up fast....