Jose doesn't deserve rematch, Ronda does?

Darth Ryase -
Deaf Forever - Fuck Joe Rogan.
. Phone Post 3.0
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Rhonda is the money match and Aldo won't get the instant rematch probably because he has dropped out of so many fights.

Also seems weird as Aldo has talked about going up as well. Phone Post 3.0

I hate rematches. But if one needs to be done its now Phone Post 3.0

shaqitup - Joe was a cunt too.

"It was certainly a fight".

Is he not smart enough to interpret what aldo was saying? Phone Post 3.0

i agree. dick move

Rogan is weird lately

perfy - Well he got KO in the 1st and only seconds into it. Had it been the second round then a rematch is clearly warranted since it shows you can hang with your opponent. Hopefully i'm interpreting what Joe said correctly.
Jds Cain 1, motherfucker... DO YOU SPEAK IT? Phone Post 3.0

Ronda just got caught. Completely different.

clean ko no rematch

GelderdEnd -
Dugs95 -
Darth Ryase -
Deaf Forever - Fuck Joe Rogan.
. Phone Post 3.0
I dunno.... He's just a dude, not perfect, but calls fights pretty good usually. But yea he's gotten me to scratch my head a few times lately and it seems it's more and more often at times... Phone Post 3.0
No, Joe is most definitely a cunt

Everything that's wrong with the UFC, the day he leaves the better it becomes Phone Post 3.0
Jesus dude, it's ok Aldo lost, I'm sure he'll fight again, no need to take it out on rogan Phone Post 3.0

. Phone Post

Jose deserves an immediate rematch, Ronda and Cain do not.

Jose got caught and knocked out quickly. Though I think he will probably lose a rematch, the fact that that was so quick and he even rocked McGregor in the process leaves some questions unanswered.

Ronda and Cain both got absolutely picked apart. Neither deserve rematches. Phone Post 3.0

ASchlinky - Jose deserves an immediate rematch, Ronda and Cain do not.

Jose got caught and knocked out quickly. Though I think he will probably lose a rematch, the fact that that was so quick and he even rocked McGregor in the process leaves some questions unanswered.

Ronda and Cain both got absolutely picked apart. Neither deserve rematches. Phone Post 3.0

This is just basic sense and pretty indisputable. There are no good counterpoints where baseline matchmaking is concerned, Ronda got dominated and destroyed utterly for multiple rounds as did Cain to a lesser extent.

We can say that none of them deserves a rematch but this selective re matching has no semblance of being fair or even making sense.

What's really shocking was that Rogan would say this nonsense, I guess it's a company loyalty thing but I really wonder if he actually believes it. Let's say the statement that Jose doesn't deserve another shot is true, how does Ronda get the benefit of the doubt when she got dominated as completely or more.

If the UFC is doing it shameless for money, fine. But that's what this is.

ASchlinky - Jose deserves an immediate rematch, Ronda and Cain do not.

Jose got caught and knocked out quickly. Though I think he will probably lose a rematch, the fact that that was so quick and he even rocked McGregor in the process leaves some questions unanswered.

Ronda and Cain both got absolutely picked apart. Neither deserve rematches. Phone Post 3.0
This....props to Conor for getting it done but it just feels like we missed out on a great fight Phone Post 3.0

RadiO - clean ko no rematch

As opposed to Ronda getting completely destroyed for 2 rounds, immediate rematch? I understand the business side of this but don't pretend it's about fairness.

None of them deserve rematches. Some will get them regardless. I'm not so much behind an immediate Aldo fight as I am opposed to the idea that Ronda is really that much more deserving than Aldo, or that the Cain fight needs to happen now.

That being said, Ronda, Aldo and Cain are legitimately great fighters its no disrespect. I just like new match ups after decisive title fights, and the trend of immediate rematches is something thats as overdone as it is unfair.

There was very little controversy in the Cain and Ronda fights, it isn't like there's a ton of unanswered questions or controversy about those fights, they'll be sold as a chance for the champ to improve and adapt. The Aldo fight leaves a little more to wonder about simply because it ended so quickly, but when you get blown out that fast I generally think you should have to fight another contender before fighting the champ.

I'm more annoyed that anyone thinks the Ronda rematch is justifiable in any way other than in exactly the way as Jose- being a longtime dominant champ. It's not honest to try to justify one and not the other when it's pretty clear that in terms of their title reigns anything that applies to Ronda, applies to Jose also. There just isn't a non bullshit reason for them to be treated differently outside of marketing.

ASchlinky - Jose deserves an immediate rematch, Ronda and Cain do not.

Jose got caught and knocked out quickly. Though I think he will probably lose a rematch, the fact that that was so quick and he even rocked McGregor in the process leaves some questions unanswered.

Ronda and Cain both got absolutely picked apart. Neither deserve rematches. Phone Post 3.0
Sorta how I feel too Phone Post 3.0