Jose doesn't deserve rematch, Ronda does?

Why? Both decisive lol, Rogan is starting with Conor now.... Wtf Phone Post 3.0


Yeah that doesn't make any sense. Phone Post 3.0

Yeah I hope someone asks that question at the press conference of Dana doesn't say yes to that rematch. Phone Post 3.0

Joe was a cunt too.

"It was certainly a fight".

Is he not smart enough to interpret what aldo was saying? Phone Post 3.0

The champion they want wins, no rematch with the guy we all know (really) beats him.

The champion they don't want wins, immediate rematch.

Fuck Joe Rogan.

if Ronda gets a rematch, Aldo deserves one considering hownfast the fight was.

Well he got KO in the 1st and only seconds into it. Had it been the second round then a rematch is clearly warranted since it shows you can hang with your opponent. Hopefully i'm interpreting what Joe said correctly.

Rogan is a fucking moron

Aldo doesn't deserve it because he lost so decisively and a worthy contender in Edgar is waiting

Ronda deserves one though even though she lost decisively and there's a worthy contender in Tate is waiting

He needs to layoff the whacky tobaccy Phone Post 3.0

Deaf Forever - Fuck Joe Rogan.
. Phone Post 3.0

Darth Ryase -
Deaf Forever - Fuck Joe Rogan.
. Phone Post 3.0
I dunno.... He's just a dude, not perfect, but calls fights pretty good usually. But yea he's gotten me to scratch my head a few times lately and it seems it's more and more often at times... Phone Post 3.0

Dugs95 -
Darth Ryase -
Deaf Forever - Fuck Joe Rogan.
. Phone Post 3.0
I dunno.... He's just a dude, not perfect, but calls fights pretty good usually. But yea he's gotten me to scratch my head a few times lately and it seems it's more and more often at times... Phone Post 3.0
No, Joe is most definitely a cunt

Everything that's wrong with the UFC, the day he leaves the better it becomes Phone Post 3.0

Neither of them deserve an immediate rematch

I have no issues with a rematch just simply due to Aldo's 10 year streak. I mean the dude ate some shit, it happens.

But everyone is tired of rematches so whatever. Phone Post 3.0

This is the only time I've thought a rematch was warranted. I wanted to see a fight, good punch but wanted to see them prove who's the best. This whole thing has a Matt Serra feel. Phone Post 3.0

Yep either they both get rematches or neither. Much easier to justify an Aldo rematch then a Rousey one. I'd rather neither. Phone Post 3.0

Dugs95 -
Darth Ryase -
Deaf Forever - Fuck Joe Rogan.
. Phone Post 3.0
I dunno.... He's just a dude, not perfect, but calls fights pretty good usually. But yea he's gotten me to scratch my head a few times lately and it seems it's more and more often at times... Phone Post 3.0
This. Phone Post 3.0

Agreed!!!!! I'm an Aldo fan, but I don't either Rousey or Aldo deserve an immediate rematch. Especially Rousey. She got BEAT DOWN.

I'm not a fan of instant rematches at all but seems a bit of a dick move to give Ronda one after being dominated and then KO'd, because she "deserves it", and then not to give one to Jose after such a quick finish along with the fact that he's been unbeaten for 10 years. <br /><br />

EDIT - Ronda