Joseph Benavidez holds back tears talking retirement and love received from friends and fans

Good call. He didn’t look like himself at all in his last fight. Really glad he’s bowing out gracefully and not trying to hang on as a 70% version of his best.

He has nothing to be ashamed of.

Joe fought as a top 3 in 2 divisions for a decade or so.

Plus, you dont get to be the Champion AND bang Megan. That shit wouldn’t be fair.

had a good run, knows its time to retire. best of luck to him
i dont even mind thats he is significantly shorter than i am

Super humble guy.I didn’t know who he was.I was sitting above him at a Wargods show in Fresno.We would chat in between fights.Not once did he mention that he trained or was a fighter (he was with Alpha Male)

Next time that I seen him he was on tv fighting for the WEC on the Versus network.


I remember him demolishing Torres in WEC. TAM was the shit for little guys back then.

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He needed to retire after he lost to DJ the second time. I thought he was toast then, I didn’t even realize how many scrub dubs he got before losing to the top of the division again.

Go ride off in the sunset with your hot wife and enjoy collecting checks from the UFC through her for the foreseeable future, you earned it!

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She is hot indeed (before some fags talks about her pointy elbows).

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What he should be crying about is stealing the name “joejitsu” when I had been using it since 1995. Carry on…