Josh Barnett has a real fighter's mentality

Not caring about belts, not caring about the most popular org, just liking to fight. This guy actually LIKES fighting. Most fighters these days don't even like fighting and do it for the sport of it or purely for money. I think besides the roids issue, that many of the newer MMA fans and people in general don't like a lot of the fighters who have that "fighting mentality" from the older days, when it wasn't about "the sport of MMA" but it was really just a glorified fight.

Some people seem to be intimidating by that mentality and why you'll hear people say he's "bad for the sport." Fighting is a sport today too, but it's still basically a fight. Barnett represents the mentality of the older guard and I think some fans just can't deal with his fighter lifestyle.

potential_lulz - All aboard for teh lulz people! Remember to keep all limbs inside the lulzocoaster, and should you wish to feed the troll, please throw the food at it, do not offer it to the troll whilst holding it, he will tear your arm off.Happy trolling TS! <img src="/images/phone/post_tag.png" alt="Phone Post" border="0" style="vertical-align:middle;"/>

This place has gone to shit.

Always came off as a smug punk.

Ithink he has a good shot at getting to the finals .

 His three positive steroid tests remind me of the football quote "If you ain't cheating, you ain't trying". His legacy is forever tarnished by his inability to stay within the rules of mma and civilized competition.

Steamfitter -  His three positive steroid tests remind me of the football quote "If you ain't cheating, you ain't trying". His legacy is forever tarnished by his inability to stay within the rules of mma and civilized competition.

Agreed. Losing fairly gains more respect than winning unfairly.

I don't like the steroid thing, but I think there are many others that take them but are better at beating the tests. Unfortunately it will never be an even playing field because too many people are trying to get every advantage they can, legal or otherwise. The testing process will always be a game of trying to catch up with the latest way of getting past them.

Jeff Monson
Kevin Randleman

All busted for using gear, but barnett is the worst offender.....? And that's not even the full list.

Because he was stupid enough to get caught 3 times, and the other fighters that STILL use gear have got it down to a science to avoid getting caught?

not sure what makes Barnett any worse then these guys.

Pride FC.

I think you're misreading his attitude. It's more like, "Oh shit, I've tested positive for roids like twice and arguably single handedly killed a major US promotion. I'll take whatever big fights I can get..."

Roids Phone Post

the people that make excuses for guys like barnett, using the 'well other guys do it' as some sort of retarded justification, are some really stupid fucking people.

Humphrey - the people that make excuses for guys like barnett, using the 'well other guys do it' as some sort of retarded justification, are some really stupid fucking people.


The worst part is when those really stupid fucking people blindly support another person on the same list.

 I support Josh and will be rooting for him.  You guys act like you're Curt Hening.

Barnett is a juice monkey who tries to sound more intelligent than he really is. He should stick to fake wrestling in Japan and leave MMA to the real fighters.

what a bunch of pansies you all are. the reason you're pissed at barnett is because he ruined a fight that you were looking forward to (in part because barnett was fighting in it) and because he hasn't acknowledged your absurd outrage since. basically you didn't get to see him fight and he didn't issue a hollow apology, and now you're gonna hold a grudge forever and use steroids as your excuse, when all the guys listed above have used along with countless others who haven't been caught. barnett is an mma legend and the reason he hasn't responded to you jackals is because you have an indefensible double standard

"His three positive steroid tests remind me of the football quote "If you ain't cheating, you ain't trying". His legacy is forever tarnished by his inability to stay within the rules of mma and civilized competition."

Yeah, and this is a damn shame because Josh Barnett is one of the most talented fighters out there, plus he has always come off as a good guy in interviews. It is really sad that he has forever tarnished his image by testing positive for steroids 3 times.

Barnett is a whiner and an apologist.