Josh Emmett details costs of FOTN victory

Josh Emmett beat Shane Burgos in the Fight of the Night at UFC on ESPN 11. In a recent message on his social network, the Team Alpha Male monster detailed just a fraction of the cost.


Why the fuck is he fighting with a bakers cyst or did he get it during the fight?

I don’t see a fractured skull on that list, he’s tough, but no Tito Ortiz.


I get it that he wants to show how tough he is, with that laundry list of damages he's suffered. I think, though, that it's risky to disclose all of that in case the AC takes notice. Even if the AC is paying attention, I'm sure their medical suspension will include the standard language: "Suspended until [fill in the date], unless cleared by a physician." And - shocker - there will no doubt be a doctor who will clear him when he feels ready to fight again. As the old saying goes: "What do you call the guy who finished last in his in medical school? Doctor."

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6. Bad grammar

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This guy’s body is telling him not to fight. I don’t know who wouldn’t have been severely damaged by those kicks Burgos was throwing, though. Emmett has only been in the UFC a few years and already he is one of the toughest motherfuckers in the business. 

I blew my ACL in a Jitz match and everyone heard it pop and I was down for the count. Within 5 minutes it swole to 2x size and filled with blood. within 15 minutes it was stiff and could not walk on it.

Adreneline must be a MFer for Emmett to be able to fight. I definitely tried to continue and I couldn’t put any weight on it and it hurt like hell. Had an ACL replace and was out 8 months, then blew it out again and out 1 year. I used to have a high tolerance for pain, but now, not so much. He needs to get healthy again before even training. Also BTW - Now that I am much older, the accumulation of injuries keeps me in pain almost everyday. Pro athletes need to take care of themselves knowing old age is a bitch.

Adrenaline is indeed amazing. IIRC Javi Vasquez tore his acl in the 1st round of a 3 or 5 round fight and gutted it out until the final bell.

He will be a cripple at 45 but enjoy it while you can. 

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Dude has been through the wringer. He had some pretty bad facial injuries from the Jeremy Stephens fight if my memory is correct. 

You mean roids don't take care of all those problems? Look at those roid titties. 

I didn't see him get up when Jeremy plowed his face through the canvas. 

Samoa -

Why the fuck is he fighting with a bakers cyst or did he get it during the fight?

Are people with Baker’s cysts not supposed to compete? My knees are full of em and I’ve competed 

Lol I don’t know if I would call that a “win”.

Well, if you're not going to be a looker, you might as well be tough. 

I thought this was going to be about how much it cost to put his face back together, after Jeremy Stephens caved it in....

Hopefully he's not out for as long as it sounds.

It would suck to have such a big coming out party be spoiled by a long layoff, because fans and promoters have short memories, and just because this was some crazy, badass performance now, doesn't mean it'll be honored 10 or 12 months from now.

The guy has been grinding and taking tough fights for awhile now is is primed to get someone of significance in his next fight, whenever that may be.

How about a rematch with Stephens?

joesonshuevos -

Adrenaline is indeed amazing. IIRC Javi Vasquez tore his acl in the 1st round of a 3 or 5 round fight and gutted it out until the final bell.

That Vasquez fight was sickening to watch.  The ref should have stopped it.

Hope Emmett makes a full recovery, tough dude, great fight.

I thought it was a draw - hope both were paid well!

Emmett is a ferocious competitor, I hope that guy makes bank and retires healthy

Not sure what Stephens has to gain by rematching this dude. 

Can't really do it any better than he did the first time....

ThunderlipsTapped -

Not sure what Stephens has to gain by rematching this dude. 

Can't really do it any better than he did the first time....

You never know with that division.   They're close enough in the rankings for it to be a possibility, at least.  Obviously,  Emmett's injuries throw a big deal of uncertainty into matchmaking prospects.  Stephens is very inconsistent, so that's why I wouldn't mind a rematch, but as you said, its not necessarily warranted, either.

Looking at the top 10 in that division,  I could see Emmett with his power being a real problem for a few of the upper ranked guys, but I still have some questions about the depth of his skillset and if he can win top 10 or top 5 fights beyond just swinging for the fences and blood and guts.