Josh Koscheck Black?

Josh is his own breed entirely, characterized by insane athletic ability

He has the same hair color as Randleman.

wrinkleking cares

" If you think Koscheck looks like Pete Spratt or Kevin Randleman you should really hang yourself."

Vin Diesel doesn't look like those guys. He looks about as "black" as Koscheck.

And the term African-American is stupid. I don't even know ONE black person that likes to be called African-American. I'm sure there are some, I just don't know any. I know a few that go so far as to scratch out the term "African-American" on job applications, polls, etc, and write in "Black."

It's especially stupid since EVERYBODY knows it doesn't really mean an American whose ancestors came from Africa, since we don't call any body else African-American unless they are black, EVEN if the person was born and raised in Africa before moving here (South African whites, Egyptians, Morroccans, etc). That means that the sole purpose of the term is as an off-color (pun intended) euphemism for the tone of someone's skin. In other words, "black." Let's get real here.

He kinda looks like a tan corky from life goes on.

He's probably Jewish. I believe Koscheck is a Jewish name. If his parents were from Israel then he is dark, because Jews are the same ethnicity (Genetically) as Arabs.

I'm mixed/bi-racial... When I first saw Koscheck, it was pretty clear to me that he's mixed/bi-racial too.

me too.

My friend is from the same hometown as him, he said there is only one black guy there, maybe it is Josh???

he's blackanese

he is MIXED

He's tan-mauve! Who cares! ;P

lol @ This thread getting 65 replies.

And so, WHY does this matter?

"From the very beginnings of interracial interaction-- and so consequently as far as we have evidence for this kind of thing-- it has been a fact (and still is, according to modern statistics) that whites get KO'd at rates that far exceed the average KO'd rate for any other race. And as the rate of intermingling has risen, there has been an equal rise in the rate of whites getting KO'd.

It is our contention that this fact is responsible for the widespread rantings of whites, whether implicit or explicit, about blacks. If you read chp 4 carefully, where we talked about racial memory, then this will start to make sense. For many members of a race, when one member is humiliated, they will interpret this as an assault to their very own identity. Thus a hostile attitude towards members of the humiliator's group is to be expected, although not warranted."

-- From the book, "Racial Hatred: Origins and Modern Theory."

Um, ok then. Well, guess that answered my little queery. Hey Bry, next time Farakhan holds another "It's All Whiteys Fault" rally, be sure to tell me so I can go. Thanks.


Can't we all just get along?


Maybe he's a black russian.

Some really quality perspective and solid thinking here on this thread.

No, seriously.



he's whack.


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