Josh Koscheck Black?

Not trying to be rude, just trying to settle an argument with friend. He's saying Josh is white and that his skin is dark because he lives in California. He looks black to me. Again, this is not meant to be derrogatory in any way.

Sorry, I meant yellow....stay off my thread if your gonna be a keyboard warrior.

These types of threads always turn out for the best!

"Last I checked Black was a skin color not a race."

Right? Who said otherwise on this thread?

"If you think Koscheck looks like Pete Spratt or Kevin Randleman you should really hang yourself."

Yeah. I mean it's not like there are different shades or anything. I guess Pat Smith was also not black. He's nowhere near as dark as Randleman.

Good thread.

As i was sayin...

sneaks onto thread with gasoline and wooden cross, looks around and sneaks away

Define doofy.

"Black" may refer to a distinct ethnic group within the U.S. who are decended from black African slaves. ALthought the more politically correct term for these particular people is "African American," black is still an acceptable term to use and has not quite yet been so demonized as a word by the liberal media to make it taboo. But the time for people being able to refer to African Americans as black is fading, unfortunately. Ohh yeah......I can say this becuase my fathers black.

And Koschech is defiantely a mullato (now thats offensive to say in alot of places). And guess what his last name really says very little about his ethnic heritage. I know black people with scandanavian last names.

"Last I checked Black was a skin color not a race."

Personally I think it is more a state of mind


Once you find out his ethnicity what then? Do you hate him and feel all superior to him, or will you feel a deeper connection to him because he is now cool?

TTT for a horrible thread.



He's jewish, at least the last name is, I believe.

whats wrong with asking what ethnicity someone is? i ask all my friends at some point. nothing wrong with being curious.

I'm curious as to why people with one white parent and one black parent are generally referred to as black, even though they are just as 'white' as they are 'black'. And why should blacks be referred to as "African American"? No one calls me "Scottish American" even though my ancestors came from Scotland.

Who brought more ice to the cage, Pete or Josh?

He has nice pouty lips.

looks negroid to me

I'm mixed/bi-racial...  When I first saw Koscheck, it was pretty clear to me that he's mixed/bi-racial too.