I know there is a club at the cultural center, but does anyone know of any other clubs nearby?
Also, does anyone know about the club @ the cultural center? Thank you in advance.
the club is pretty small these days. ever since the original sensei retired, the dojo has only been a remnant of what it once was. the senseis are micheal verdugo and chiaki shibata.
verdugo is the south pas. high wrestling coach. he has more of a wrestling background than judo. shibata is from japan, and has a very classical judo style. if you are a smaller guy, his coaching might really be beneficial since hes under 150 himself.
if you are looking for a competitive atmosphere, its not really the place. they only practice 2 times a week and its not very intense.
check out tenri dojo in east l.a. its not too far from pasadena. those guys are pretty tough. mostly big guys (200 lbs. and up).
other dojos in the area are: west covina, san gabriel...nishi buddhist church has a dojo in japanese town, but i dont know the name. hayastan is also within a 25 minute drive from pasadena.
Thanx for the input, that really helps.