Julie"The Venezuelan Vixen"Pena was hit by a car

 Undefeated pro womens MMA fighter Julie Pena (sister in-law of Lyle Fancy Pants Beerbohm)  was hit by a drunk driver friday night while being the sober driver for her friends. She was walking downtown Spokane. 

She had a fight coming up but has to cancel now. 

She's ok but her face is busted up pretty good. Tough ass girl

Please show her some UG love.



oh no ... hopes and thoughts go to her and family

 Broken nose from what I hear and some road rash.

 Damn, that sucks!

 That sucks! Wishing her a quick recovery.


 Hope she recovers fully. fast, and get some money from the drunk pos that hit her.

I wish her a speedy recovery and I hope the POS Drunk Driver gets time

Kirik -  Hope she recovers fully. fast, and get some money from the drunk pos that hit her.

 For sure!

Kirik -  Hope she recovers fully. fast, and get some money from the drunk pos that hit her.

good luck on a speedy recovery Julianna 


Kirik -  Hope she recovers fully. fast, and get some money from the drunk pos that hit her.

Hope she recovers fast, and hope the drunk ass was caught.. Phone Post

TTT. Best wishes. Phone Post

Ya Mon - Sad. Drunk drivers should be shot in site for the first and last offense, Phone Post

That's a bit harsh, u would end up shooting a lot of people. Does the article say the persons BAC? Also I'm glad she is ok. Phone Post

wow she is gorgeous

Yes the driver was caught. No word on BACK. But that shouldn't matter at all. She's going to be missing a fight and can't train.

Take a cab. Plain and simple Phone Post

Ttt please send her some your support! Phone Post