Jung Bu-Kyung has potential

according to shinya aoki in his post fight interview. I didn't see the fight. Is he just being polite or was the match as competitive as the descriptions?

Jung fought a great fight and nearly caught Aoki on numerous occasions. It wasn't an easy fight for Aoki, that's for sure.. And considering this is his first fight, I'd expect alot from this guy.

does he train outside of korea?

And I thought Aoki would tool him on the ground. Man, I was WRONG!

I'm wondering where the dude learned good leg/foot lock defense.

Jung caught Aoki in 2 pretty tight armbars and did a good job escaping every sub that Aoki threw at him. It was Aoki's strikes on the ground that won the fight for him but in terms of pure grappling, Jung definitely held his own.

On the evidence of his first fight, he definitely has potential, as he looked the near equal of one of the most highly regarded grapplers in the sport, but I think he's similar to a lot of the other elite judoka to enter MMA, in that he's come into the game too late to ever make a real impact.

He's already into his 30's, his athletic peak was presumably 7 or 8 years ago when he won an Olympic silver medal and like a lot of these guys, he's fighting in MMA 20-30lbs above his competitive judo weight.

Speaking of judo, the improvement Takimoto has made from his first few fights to now is incredible. He really impressed me against Bustamante and it's hard not to wonder how good guys like him, Nastula, Yoon Dong Sik and now Jung Bu-Kyung could have been if they'd entered the sport a few years earlier.

He had Aoki caught in armbars twice. I'm absolutely amazed that Aoki was able to escape, especially the second one. This dude has the potential to be one of the best juijitsu artists in MMA ever.


"one of the best juijitsu artists in MMA ever. "


Snakeman is correct.

"Takimoto has made from his first few fights to now is incredible. He really impressed me against Bustamante and it's hard not to wonder how good guys like him, Nastula, Yoon Dong Sik and now Jung Bu-Kyung could have been if they'd entered the sport a few years earlier."

How an earth did Takimoto inpress you against Bustamante? Takimoto got absolutely completely schooled by Bustamante for most of the duration of that match. Takimoto had his moment which laster like 5-15 seconds. Specially in grappling Takimoto got totally outclassed. All Takimoto had was 1 good punch. Bustamante schooled him going for subs almost at will dominating the grappling BOTH standing up and on the ground plus striking on the ground too. Bustamante is 41. How much younger is Takimoto?

Btw. Bustamante got robbed bad.