Just saw McCorkle in my hotel lobby, AMA

did you call him out on not being as tall as he claims to be?

Was he tst, or just t? Phone Post

Did you kiss him? Phone Post

UGCTT_FryedTakayama - 

Was he more or less sexy in person?

More....but he told me he'd buy me a beer if I said that soooo......

No pics cuz he was with his lady, as was I (yes, we were both with his lady). If I see him again I will be sure to get a double fhaka pic for you fuckers to prove the Warwick is where all the ballers stay.

Taz Styles -
KevinMcAllister - 
Porkchop - 
Hocky Balboa -  How did you feel about the ol' Aunt Viv switcheroo on the Fresh Prince of Bel-Air?

Also, which one did you like better? Phone Post

 Ugh that and the fact that they had two different houses and never mentioned moving or anything..... drove me mental.


this viv, ftw!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Agreed. The original Viv was on another level.

The second Aunt Viv depressed me. She had her panties in a bunch in every episode. 

This was her neutral face.


The original had a bigger role in the show, the second one just seemed to be around, also the character completely changed when the second one came in.

Wasn't there a house fire? Phone Post

TryhardNobody - Shoulda started taking video with your phone, yell "WORLD STAR" then run up and drop-kick him

Tried. As soon as I yelled worldstar! he gassed and/or otherwise flopped to the ground....I mean tried to pull guard

Philosopher - did you call him out on not being as tall as he claims to be?

He looked shorter than I expected,but they do say a yellow speedo makes you look shorter so thought nothing of it

Toasting in epic bread. Phone Post

jamesisgod -
Taz Styles -
KevinMcAllister - 
Porkchop - 
Hocky Balboa -  How did you feel about the ol' Aunt Viv switcheroo on the Fresh Prince of Bel-Air?

Also, which one did you like better? Phone Post

 Ugh that and the fact that they had two different houses and never mentioned moving or anything..... drove me mental.


this viv, ftw!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Agreed. The original Viv was on another level.

The second Aunt Viv depressed me. She had her panties in a bunch in every episode. 

This was her neutral face.


The original had a bigger role in the show, the second one just seemed to be around, also the character completely changed when the second one came in.

Wasn't there a house fire? Phone Post


That's just what FOX news wanted you to believe. Phone Post

335iguy - 

Did you kiss him? Phone Post

In my defense he instigated....