Just saw McCorkle in my hotel lobby, AMA

great thread idea right? right?

How did he smell? Phone Post

What color was his PorkSnorkle

How did you feel about the ol' Aunt Viv switcheroo on the Fresh Prince of Bel-Air?

Also, which one did you like better? Phone Post

Sallyslaps - 

How did he smell? Phone Post

he smelled of rich mahogany

e^(pi*i) + 1 = ?

Cung knocked my ace out - Did he gas? Phone Post

Too soon Phone Post

Cung knocked my ace out - 

Did he gas? Phone Post

came in to post this, 5 mins late

Coincidence that when you created this thread your VU's were 69?

You know the drill.. Pic or it didn't happen.

Hocky Balboa - 

How did you feel about the ol' Aunt Viv switcheroo on the Fresh Prince of Bel-Air?

Also, which one did you like better? Phone Post

 Ugh that and the fact that they had two different houses and never mentioned moving or anything..... drove me mental.


this viv, ftw!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Cung knocked my ace out - 

Did he gas? Phone Post

Nah, but he looked like he was hoping to later with the girl he was with

If he gets mad, just challenge him to a cupcake competition. He'll tuck.

Lol, you guys are stupid

Leghound -
Cung knocked my ace out -  Did he gas? Phone Post

Nah, but he looked like he was hoping to later with the girl he was with

Fart fetish?!?!? Stinky Phone Post

Was he more or less sexy in person?

Sean McCorkle used to be the Alpha UG HW....

......before James Thompson showed up!

the new aunt Viv was hotter.

Porkchop - 
Hocky Balboa - 

How did you feel about the ol' Aunt Viv switcheroo on the Fresh Prince of Bel-Air?

Also, which one did you like better? Phone Post

 Ugh that and the fact that they had two different houses and never mentioned moving or anything..... drove me mental.


this viv, ftw!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Agreed. The original Viv was on another level.

The second Aunt Viv depressed me. She had her panties in a bunch in every episode. 

This was her neutral face.


KevinMcAllister - 
Porkchop - 
Hocky Balboa - 

How did you feel about the ol' Aunt Viv switcheroo on the Fresh Prince of Bel-Air?

Also, which one did you like better? Phone Post

 Ugh that and the fact that they had two different houses and never mentioned moving or anything..... drove me mental.


this viv, ftw!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Agreed. The original Viv was on another level.

The second Aunt Viv depressed me. She had her panties in a bunch in every episode. 

This was her neutral face.


The original had a bigger role in the show, the second one just seemed to be around, also the character completely changed when the second one came in.