Just Saw Tito

this discussion is the gay.

"lol @ thumb

Man people are so whiney. He lost and that was that."

I'm not whining and not saying Chuck didn't legitimately win. I was in fact I was rooting for Chuck..... Just stating the fact that Tito was accidentally thumbed in the eye. I find it strange that people won't admit that.

ttt for tito's fucked up eye

This arguement is completely pointless, all thats going to come of this is nothing but argueing, since only Chuck himself knows for sure if he was intentional or not. Yelling at each other about it won't solve much.

I'd hate to see someone get a little upset about this and throw their computer out the window :]

of course it wasn't on purpose... chuck threwa punch and caught him in the eye. tito should have covered up better.
I am a Tito and Chuck fan by the way, but if you can't admit Tito couldn't see after that then you.... well I don't care, he got hit in the eye. Go Chuck!
and can't wait to see Tito back!

That is all