Just watched Diaz/Penn and seriously...

GSP is going to demolish Diaz. Demolish. I will reference this thread when that happens.

GPS is going to simply out power and out skill Diaz in every aspect.

I do give credit to Diaz having the upperhand on BJJ, however, GSP is just too strong and explosive.

GSP will finish.

While this may happen, how the fuck do you get this notion from watching the BJ/Diaz fight?

Mihow - as a Huge GSP fan ... what in THIS FIGHT between DIAZ/BJ makes you think GSP will DEMOLISH Diaz?

LOL fuck that. What makes anyone think GSP will finish Diaz?

Obviously I am a Penn fan, and I will openly admit GSP is the best WW.

But delusional fans thinking GSP is finsihing Diaz when he couldnt finish Shields, Koscheck, Alves and a one dimensional Dan Hardy are fucking retarted!!!!!

It aint happening.

He may dominate Nick.

He may get a 10-8 round on Nick

But he aint finishing Nick!

mdh2k10 - rewatch gsp shields and realize how dumb you sound

 but, but. GSP was BLIND BRO!

Mihow - as a Huge GSP fan ... what in THIS FIGHT between DIAZ/BJ makes you think GSP will DEMOLISH Diaz?

Diaz backs away from Penn when he's facing smaller striking combos. There were rarely any kicks in the fight and Penn still managed to gain back control. Penn is nowhere near as strong as GSP and GSP has constantly improved to another level.

I can see GSP's striking combos being too tough for Diaz to defend against. Strong kicks, super man punches and jabs will tear away at Diaz for the first round. Second round comes and GSP starts the GNP.

Diaz might pull out some of his BJJ but GSP is no slouch either. He'll power his way out, gain side control and drop those knees. If he's in danger, he'll push away, reset and hit the striking game again.

I could see this fight ending a-la Nelson/CroCop...punches to the back of the head and GSP wins.

GSP doesn't finish anyone

 and you'll put up $100.00  to back your shit up? if not, stfd and stfu...

Anyone who doesnt realize that style wise Diaz is without a doubt the guy with the best chance to beat GSP is either a moron or a fanboy who is kidding themself

GSP couldn't even finish shields.

The way I see it, Diaz has the advantage in boxing and on the ground. But GSP can take Nick down at will and is stronger...but that will mean little if Nick is better on the ground and won't ever get tired.

It'll be an interesting fight for sure.

brockisshit -  Diaz wants to take up boxing is this a joke I'm faster at punching and I'm 20 stone what a joke, GSP must be laughing to himself!!! Phone Post
your name is fighter bashing

how is this allowed? also,

your post sucks


There are strong arguments for both sides, but GSP is a different monster to BJ. Diaz had crazy reach on BJ and stopped his takedowns, this won't be the case with GSP. He will promise a finish, but I predict a 5 rounder full of long range jabs, low kicks with some elbows on the ground to a decision.

I love how a difference of opinion results in so much personal, emotional and what sounds like traumatic responses.

Re-lax buds. Re...lax.

I can't stand the fucking stupidity of cunts on this forum.

"How will GSP finish Diaz when he couldn't finish Shields? Paw haw haw"

Are you for fucking real? You've obviously never been involved in a single fight in your life, so let me break it down for you stupid fuckers.

Shields did fuck all against Georges. He did nothing. Zilch. He was happy to lose by decision. He did not attack. Therefore his defence was strong and that made him incredibly difficult to finish. He was the fucking challenger, had the shot at the belt he wanted his whole life and did nothing.

Diaz is completely different. He is all out attack, on the ground and on the feet. That means he's easier to finish because he takes chances and leaves himself open. How many times have we seen him rocked big time? Compare that to how many times we've seen GSP rocked. You know why? Because GSP isn't constantly attacking.

Thus it is fucking moronic to suggest that GSP can't finish Diaz because he couldn't finish Shields.

RawnCzer - GSP is going to demolish Diaz. Demolish. I will reference this thread when that happens.

GPS is going to simply out power and out skill Diaz in every aspect.

I do give credit to Diaz having the upperhand on BJJ, however, GSP is just too strong and explosive.

GSP will finish.
LOL... GSP will win... he will dry hump Nick Diaz.

Make no mistake about it though... other than wrestling... Nick Diaz is better than GSP at EVERY SINGLE ASPECT of fighting...

Now - having said that... wresting triumphs all...