Hey guys,

We are running a pretty awesome competition on the website, worth checking it out if you are a fan or cool gis and tees :)



Not saying I won't, but you have to BUY a subscription to the print magazine to be entered, correct?

 That's correct buddy yes, buy a sub to be in the draw.

 where are these Gi's made Pakistan or China?

 I'm not sure where the gis are made actually guys but you can check them out here - they are pretty high quality :) http://k2fightgear.com/

Jiu Jitsu Style Magazine -  I'm not sure where the gis are made actually guys but you can check them out here - they are pretty high quality :) http://k2fightgear.com/

 You don't know where they are made? Look at the tag.

 We don't have the gis here with us guys, they are being sent straight from the suppliers.

Doh! I subscribed 2 weeks ago - can i get entered into the competition?

made in Pakistan

I own one of the first models - very high quality

when you require a person to purchase something in order to be entered in a contest, it is considered a lottery and you have to abide by certain laws depending on the state.


"How is a sweepstakes different than a lottery?
With the exception of state run lotteries and authorized raffles, lotteries are illegal under state and federal laws. Generally, a lottery is a promotion in which all three of the following elements are present: 1) prize; 2) chance; and 3) consideration."

Amazing Quality and Fit. Highly recommend the K2

 @Jach_B you are in the draw buddy - the competition is open to all our subscribers

Excellent. Now I just have to win :)

How long do you haver to subscribe and be in the drawing?