Kang shouts out to Canadian Fans

Just thought those who felt slighted during the Bushido broadcast would like to see this from his ADCC interview:

KM: Anything else you want to get out to the fans?
DK: I want to thank people for sticking with me all these years until I finally made it to Pride. I want to say thank you to all the people from Canada. Even though I’m coming out under the Korean flag in Pride I’m still very proud to be Canadian. I thank all the Canadian fans for their support. I probably wouldn’t have made it to Pride without their support.

"Even though I'm coming out under the Korean flag in Pride I'm still very proud to be Canadian"

oh canada!

did he really turn down a TUF invite?

This is what people think of when they think of Canada:

Why do most of the Candians not fight under the Canadian flag?

I noticed Goodrich and Newton didn't either.

He did turn down TUF. And he would have won it.

Diego vs. Kang would've been fun to watch. I don't think Diego could overpower Kang, who's a natural 185er and Kang has MUCH better standup. But the geniuses at TUF would've probably wanted Kang to step in at 205.

kang could beat fedor and minotauro at the same time