kauai fighters dodging Bj's Boyz

Nobody listens to turtle!

throws mochi crunch on top da popcorn

lol at mad tiger talking about kauai's martial arts hall of fame. I gotta go check it out.......... what time does the fight start.. gotta watch round two...lol

Kanotoa thankx for clearing things up on why ur guys arent fighting i know those two guys would probably be one of the best fights in our weight class but i guess the way it came across was they agreed and then jus didnt return calls so we had no idea what the reason was maybe if they called and said that then we probably wouldnt even need to be on here. but if its taking a break or supporting families then thats more than a good enough reason not to fight thats why i knew u were the man to ask. my intention wasnt to gang up on ur guys jus wanted and asnswer from the source and not second hand.and for the title i knew it would get ur attention no disrespect. i posted another one first that said attn:kanotoa but u didnt respond so i tried this one and it worked. but u can let the boys know that now we know they werent dodgin us and that we have much respect for them and hopefully we get to fight in the future

Who got subbed by brennan? Not me. Baron von wannabe, whats your name? Why the hate, do I know you? Who are you to talk behind a fake name? lol

Sounds like my stalker terd atkins to me.

Mad Tiger has a stalker? Maybe just another fan!!

eh thanks kanotoa like i said b4 no disrespect intended jus wanted ur attention now i have ur e-mail so next time i'll e-mail u direct. i'm not one of those key board warriors i know how hard it is to train and make sacrfices so as u can see i have only a few posts because i try not to get too into theses keyboard wars as much as possible u know cause like u said there plenty of instigators on here who live for this kind of shit. so hopefully u didnt take the thread the wrong way and everything is all good.

lol Bringing up old threads with negative publicity (aka surfer thread etc)saying chit about Kala's "bjj teacher" Asking if he fights blah blah Enough of your suttle little nosing sround I see right thru your chit. I could careless and wouldnt waste my time twisting things around. Just ask JJD he tell ya, your big time down on the N Shore and I didnt even have nothing to do with that one. You did it all your own buddy.

As for his students? Chit I barely even know any of them any more as they dont know me as well. And for those that do and side with a dork who cares I dont. Your the one with all the kauai "gossip" ooohhhh!! Once again with "I heard", "he said", etc. Opinons are like ass holes every one's got one.Myself i got a big opinion lol

I tend to not get caught in that crap unless its some new thing your trying to stir up. Either way, preach on, kiss but, what ever your trying to do here.

Btw Theres no shame with pulling out of a fight. I for one believe you shouldnt be in a ring unless fully prepared. Thats no big deal, just whats funny is how you hype up everybody like the next coming of christ and they pull out in this manner. Makes you look like an idiot imo.

Keep up the good work brown eye samurai!

Heres some constructive critisism, next time you induct someone let the person know. Even if there not from your school. Or else why bother?

Maybe you guys (Kanatoa and MT) were husband and wife in a previous life. You guys get along like a married for 25yrs disgruntled couple.

But the big question is WHICH OF YOU WAS THE WIFE???!


pulls up next to RAZEGEAR and adds choke kaki mochi to the popcorn

Sits on couch next to Moke and Razeman and ask to pass the popcorn

"I guess it would be good to deny getting tapped out by Brennan Kamaka in NAGA many years ago. It is somewhat embarassing. Deny, deny, deny"

Who are we talking about here?

sits on JJD's lap....opps...pushes Razeman off the couch and shares popcorn with new friends Moke and JJD.

LOL^.. Sorry Razeman, I guess the floor isn't to bad, just pass the damn popcorn!!

Hey todd why dont you go back to fight sport you wanna be. And actually it was Kai Kamaka(straight footlock rt foot.

Brennan beat me on points. In my FIRST ever no gi tournament, and if you were there you probably saw my left ankle in a BRACE and heavily taped in which YES i did compete on 5 minutes notice when Kipp offered me a chance to compete for free.

But besides all that keep hiding behind your keyboard like the rest of the trolls.

Oh yeah and why aint anyone passing the damn popcorn? I bet you guys drive REAL slow on the free way when theres an accident too huh?

Hey Femme Nu and the ZA on sat. JJD I expect you there. Kb5 and the rest as well if your down, I ll call the "white ninja"

Kanotoa i dont know what i did wit ur e-mail address can u post it again and i'll e-mail u wen i can thanx

"Oh yeah and why aint anyone passing the damn popcorn? I bet you guys drive REAL slow on the free way when theres an accident too huh? "

Ouch getting testy in our old age, and I always drive slow, I live in the country!!

"Hey Femme Nu and the ZA on sat. JJD I expect you there"

Only if your nice and share the popcorn!! lol

  • JJD thinks Mad Tiger is angry because of pressure of Marriage coming up*

Kanotoa i didnt even know i had a mma.tv e-mail i dont know how to check it or if i even have one. is ur e-mail the contact on kauaimartialarts.com if so i can e-mail u my e-mail there or if not let me know how to check this one