Kaufman: Fight could end Davis's career

DalyDentedDecimated'sDome - 
ProctorMMA - She's really fucking annoying.

why is she "fucking annoying".  She fought for nine years and is 17-2.  She gets denied fights.  How is she annoying.  Kaufman helped bring WMMA along for the last 9 years.  Show more respect.  

Kaufman isnt' hot, and therefore the UFC bigs don't want to risk Meisha w her because Meisha is 1000% more marketable.  We know that.  But she still should have more fights than she's gotten so far.

Constantly bringing up Miesha when she has a messed up orbital bone, the loss to Jessica Eye and saying she could end Davis's career. I find nearly everyone annoying though.

I watched the 2nd fight the other day and if davis is smart she will do the takedown approach that won her the 3rd in the 2nd fight

mix it up of course, but ground she could possibly get a sub or win a decision

there we go

yeah about that

He he Phone Post 3.0

Winning the fight on the feet... goes for a takedown... ummm yeah

Good come back for Davis! Phone Post 3.0

Card - 

Winning the fight on the feet... goes for a takedown... ummm yeah

It's called MMA IQ.

her's is low

Davis is legit on the ground Phone Post 3.0

nowaydo - 
Card - 

Winning the fight on the feet... goes for a takedown... ummm yeah

It's called MMA IQ.

her's is low

Every single woman fighter in the UFC has low fight iq, except for Ronda. I mean damn

Most women's fights mimic two high school kids fighting over a girl. Sloppy entertaining and extremely cringe worthy Phone Post 3.0

Porkchop - 
Sunkist1207 - Hello,

I understand that both fighters need to "eat" but its a shame when it appears that they have no choice but to fight each other again for the third time. Kaufmann vs McMann is a fight I want to see

The UFC has to work that division carefully because Ronda has smoked so many from that division. Putting Kaufman against McMahon would rule one of them out for a rematch. They are probably targeting Kaufmann and don't want her wrestlefucked out of contention.


I want to agree with you but in my humble opinion, I don't see Mcmann or Kaufmann fighting Ronda anytime soon. I read that Ronda signed a contract extension and I am just speculating here, probably includes the Bethe fight maybe one more then Cris.

JustAnotherMMAFan - 
Sunkist1207 - Hello,

I understand that both fighters need to "eat" but its a shame when it appears that they have no choice but to fight each other again for the third time. Kaufmann vs McMann is a fight I want to see
McMann, who's one of the most down to Earth fighters around, said that she tried to fight Kaufman multiple times, but decided to move on, because Kaufman never showed interest in fighting her.
Maybe, Kaufman will change her mind now, after McMann vs Tate. Phone Post 3.0


Hmmmm I wonder why Sarah didnt show interest. I read in a PF interview that Sarah wants to fight Cat Zingano next

Huey freman - 
Sunkist1207 - Hello,

I understand that both fighters need to "eat" but its a shame when it appears that they have no choice but to fight each other again for the third time. Kaufmann vs McMann is a fight I want to see
This guy is awesome, always cracks me
Up he starts every post with " hello "

Vu. Phone Post 3.0

Haha! Awesome! Thank you Sir :)

DalyDentedDecimated'sDome - 
ProctorMMA - She's really fucking annoying.

why is she "fucking annoying".  She fought for nine years and is 17-2.  She gets denied fights.  How is she annoying.  Kaufman helped bring WMMA along for the last 9 years.  Show more respect.  

Kaufman isnt' hot, and therefore the UFC bigs don't want to risk Meisha w her because Meisha is 1000% more marketable.  We know that.  But she still should have more fights than she's gotten so far.

"Kaufman isnt' hot, and therefore the UFC bigs don't want to risk Meisha w her because Meisha is 1000% more marketable. We know that. But she still should have more fights than she's gotten so far."


I agree with you Sir. After Ronda, Miesha is the next most popular fighter in the 135lb division so taking her out looks good on the resume but then what? unfortunately we have seen evidence on how the UFC works and if you are not "UFC marketable", you are pretty much left on the shelf. I say this respectfully but fighters like Alexis, Shayna and Sarah and maybe a few more would be better suited to Invicta or Bellator (I read a random rumor, I cant remember where that Bellator is starting women's 125 in the summer) where in my opinion, aside from pay, all the fighters are on an even level in terms of marketability. If Ronda ever decides to walk away, what will happen to the 135lb division?

Sarah's my favorite canadian fighter, I love her boxing and takedown defense. As the fight wore on, I thought we were going to have a "Quit eating my goddamn strawberries" moment. Davis's face was growing redder by the moment, to the point I felt bad for her. Then bang, sub, lost $200 on Kaufman. Whaaa