KDL seminar (FMA)

I trained w/guro Jun and cant say enough great things about him -

best thing ever was he started doing sumbrada on my face and had such cintrol that it just felt like rain drops hiting me - crazy shit

Filipino Martial arts Seminar

DATE: Saturday May 21st, 2005

TIME: 10:00am – 4:00pm
LOCATION: Victory Baptist Church Gymnasium 32 Wildbriar Rd Rochester, NY 14623
EQUIPMENT: Kali sticks, training knives, protective eyewear
FEES: (USD): $55.00 KDL Members $65.00 Non members **No video taping

Payments can be made to Guro Douglas Marcaida. For more information, please contact Guro Doug at 585-342-0810 or dmarcaid@rochester.rr.com or Ed Alberto at 764-6582 or kubadoo@rochester.rr.com
** Limited space available. Please be prompt to allow time for registration.


I met Guro Jun De Leon in Maryland a couple weeks back. He was attending the joint seminar done by Guro Dan Inosanto and Tuhon Leo Gaje.

Tuhon Gaje broke the seminar up into three groups and asked Guro De Leon if he would teach some knife material to his group. I jumped right in because I had never trained with Guro De Leon. I loved his knife material he showed. He is a great instructor and I recommend anyone that can attend, should do so with no hesitation.