Ken Florian is Nuts!!

Nice analysis smac.

Who do you like in a Florian vs Franca matchup?

Any time a champion wins a decision...a rematch is in order (albeit not

Kenny is a fucking stud. Looks more impressive every time out.

Sherk rematch not earned yet though.

"Who do you like in a Florian vs Franca matchup?"

I hate to use a cliche, but the fans win. I also think no matter who wins and who loses both fighters will walk out to cheers of the fans (Franca was cheered wildly in defeat last night).

It's interesting in that if you asked me 3 months ago I would have said "Franca by anything he wants", but Florian has (IMO) improved dramatically since he lost to Sherk. Sherk seems to have that impact on guys as I also think we have seen the best Diaz ever since that loss.

It's a tossup fight, both are slick enough on the ground that either could possibly cath the other, and both have the ability to end the fight with one strike.

If you put a gun to my head and told me that you would shoot me if I picked wrong I would pick Franca using experience as the deciding factor. I would then sweat bullets and pray for my life to many gods and saints that I don't believe in. I would pray that the buff the sharp edges off of Kenny's elbows!

Unfortunately with the talent in the UFC LW division, Kenny will have to
run the table or wait for quite awhile before he gets a rematch with

Florian vs. anyone in the LW division who has already fought a couple
times is a great matchup....he does need to take a step up in does Huerta IMO

Bottom line, the LW division is soooooo deep that we will have great
matchups, title and non title for a long time.

florian vs diaz......either one

I know I'm biased but I like Florian in that matchup mainly because I think Florian's striking is much more technical. Also he can bang with a brawler and not get overwhelmed.

On the ground, I think it would be a great fight though. Not sure who would have the advantage there. Kenny's got underrated wrestling.

"How can you knock Florian after showing that much heart against Sherk last time"

I saw Kenny grab the cage for 4 1/2 rounds trying to swivel underneath and only got a warning right before Sherk PLANTED him into the ground. Kenny is improving I'm sure, but much like a lot of other people around here I want to see him actually compete against top 20 guys before he's given another shot at the belt. Sherk owned him for 25 minutes with one arm, a healthy Sean will make a rematch even less competetive.

"BJ Penn has more than a just a chance. and if ufc bring in some pride LWs
like hansen and gomi and sakurai. should give sherk a few good runs."

Heheh. Soon after I posted that I remembered BJ is fighting in that weight
class. I agree with you there.