Ken Florian is Nuts!!

Did you hear him say that he wants a re-match with Sherk? Now that's the last match I would wanna see. There are plenty of 155 pounders I would rather see fight Sherk. What are all your thoughts on that?

Once Guida beats Aurielo I want him to fight kenny

Kenny is the only one currently in that division that has a chance IMO.
Granted that chance probably has to do with an elbow strike.

"Did you hear him say that he wants a re-match with Sherk?"

No I heard Rogan ask him if he wanted one.

Next to Anderson, Kenny was the most impressive fighter last night.

Florian is awesome.

How can you knock Florian after showing that much heart against Sherk
last time. Of course he wants a rematch he is a warrior.

And no way Guida beats Aurelio.

Maximus, Maximus, Maximus

"Next to Anderson, Kenny was the most impressive fighter last night."

Edgar and Lytle were every bit as impressive. Lytle probably had the most impressive display although Anderson was obviously fighting much better competition.

Bonnar looked very good on the ground, both he and Nickels are purple belts, but Bonnar's ground game was on another level.

"It's too bad that Kenny does not have the good looks and muscles that most of you boys yearn for."

corrext, not enough tatoos either.

My biggest problem with Florian is the lack of quality opposition he's faced. He got a title shot, and outside of that his opponents are something like 2-8 in the UFC. I'm tired of watching him fight guys making their debut or having lost a few. I might buy in more after I see him fight the Guidas, Thomases, Edgars, Francas, of the world.

"Kenny is the only one currently in that division that has a chance IMO. Granted that chance probably has to do with an elbow strike."

BJ Penn has more than a just a chance. and if ufc bring in some pride LWs like hansen and gomi and sakurai. should give sherk a few good runs.

ooh he finishes fights... well why didnt he finish sherk?!?!?!?

personally I want to see Florian vs Din Thomas next.

All the makings of a great fight. Both have great standup, and both are blackbelts.

That fight fallowed by Tyson Griffin vs Spencer Fisher.

Kenny's the man

Kenny really impressed me last night. That is the best Florian I have seen by far.

Florian vs. Franca makes a lot of sense right now.

"Florian vs. Franca makes a lot of sense right now."

Why do you think that? I'm curious.

Doesn't Franca kind of go back to the end of the line now where Kenny's on track to getting another title shot stringing together two solid victories, one by sub and another by TKO?

"Doesn't Franca kind of go back to the end of the line now where Kenny's on track to getting another title shot stringing together two solid victories, one by sub and another by TKO?"

Before losing to Sherk, Franca was on a win streak of more fights than Florian has won in his whole career.

Franca's last win over Fisher is bigger than any in Florian's career.

They both lost very similiar fights to Sherk (though Florian took more damage).

There are at least 5 or 6 (Stevenson, BJ, Edgar, Tyson, Pelligrino of the top of my head) if not more guys ahead of both in line to fight Sherk, so neither is really in the hunt for a title fight right now anyway.

They are the only two LW's Sherk has ever beat, and he didn't finish either and beat both the same way.

They seem to be at about the same place right now, and I think it's a very good fight. It kind of gives us some idea who the gate keeper for the next title contenders might be. Neither is likely to ever beat Sherk, so it is a good matchup of the rest.

Besides it's a cool ass fight, both guys come to finish, both have exciting and active ground games, and Florian's traditional Muay Thai vs. Franca's looping punches makes for an interesting contrast on the feet.

Florian has won 5 of his last 6, Franca 8 of his last 9 with the lone loss for both coming by 5 round decision to the same guy.

It just seems to be a logical matchup to me.

I think he needs to beat someone who's a least top 20 to get another shot at the title.