Ken Shamrock news

ken did used to go into leglocks that way
this time he got punched on the way down, but he did get a takedown out of it, if u watch the whole video


The TKO is ok and can be accepted but the lead in is mind boggling when he mysteriously tries to pull a classic Michael Jackson move moving in.

Maybe he knew what Anderson did to Rich and how Anderson did some Michael Jackson dances after wins but Ken got the wires all crossed.

michael jackson moonwalk GIF

I watched this fight live and have seen it many times since.

It’s the entry. I wasn’t a big fixed fight screamer then but a lot were. Did he slip? It’s a weird slip. Toes got caught? Fixed or legit it was odd and something was botched either way.

I think he was going for a leg scissor entry when he saw the punch coming causing him to hesitate and get jammed up on the mat.


The end of the fight came after a high kick attempt causing Ken to slip.

What people always show in that gif was not the fight ending sequence.

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Good call.

It was strange all around but doesn’t have to be a work.

Weird things happen, so do works. Only Ken knows what’s up.

But its one of several things that made it look like a fix, where Ken kept giving rich odd opportunities.

Remember kids-
A fix is when only the loser knows hes there to lose, his job is to make the other guy look good.
A work is when they both know.

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Is there a differentiation there?

Regardless of what happened with that fight, if it was fixed there’s no way Rich was in on it.

He just explained it.

Burt Watson with a well deserved award for shouting we rolling’ for a few years.


That IS the difference

To me that’s a separate speculative point.

People use that gif all the time and pass it off as the sequence that ended the fight.

If they want to present that gif as a piece of “evidence” to go along with the high kick – then they should specify their argument.

People pretending to know for sure what happened, then supporting that supposed knowledge with an out of context gif, is not good debating.

Let me show you something specifically out of context to make an assertion without qualifying it, lol.

Or they just forgot.

I get it, and I agreed with you, and I pointed out that this was the beginning of “wtf” as it was playing out in real time.

When someone agrees with you, stop arguing. Don’t climb higher up the cross and say “yeah, but you still don’t really understand”

Its off-putting

If we were arguing I didn’t know it.

I was just making a separate point about people using that gif wrong.

Shamrock conversations, similar to Fedor conversations, always feel to me like one extended conversation that’s lasted for years – only the screen names change.

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I get it, I was just “OGing” on the UG.
We’re always cool man.

Everything you said is right, and we will never know until some towel boy pops up on YouTube making the claim. And even then, we’ll never really know lol.

Happy Hour Drinking GIF

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Ok word master.

I’m sorry I offended you and caused your eyes to roll.

I’ll bone up on my fight fixing lingo, a topic I dedicate nearly zero time to in my life.

I can’t tell if I regret joining this particular conversation or am happy that you’ve shared your grand knowledge on words.

Maybe both.

Oh shit…

I stumbled into the UG without noticing!

Man I tried OGing on some sports related YouTube chat the other day.
Needless to say they weren’t picking up on my vibe.

I hope this isn’t aimed at me since I gave zero assertions and only shared what people said at the time.

I provided the gif to someone who said they never saw or remembered the fight to demonstrate the strangeness because someone else said the Rich fight was fixed.

The gif provided weirdness context here, that is all.

It wasn’t.

You already responded positively to my response to the gif.

T-Minus 3 hours until cold beer time…

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