KenFlo on ESPN this morning

 He just did a real quick pick for the Ortiz/Griffin fight at the end of Sportscenter and the former champ was

looking Shannon SHARPE this morning.

Good job representing the sport.

former champ?


i just saw it about 15 min ago myself... :)

Did he yell "I WANT bj's belt!"? That commercial still haunts me.

Former champ of what?


gsx_r - Did he yell "I WANT bj's belt!"? That commercial still haunts me.

lol.... naw -- unless i missed it!!

Good toy

that doll in proportion to kenflo is MOS DEF deceptive and misleading to say the least.

That doll really looks nothing like him. WOuld have had no idea who it was without the name below.

maybe champ of his high school chess team?

debate team?

Card -  

Looks like the Dean Lister Doll.