Khabib Believes MMA Is " Declining "

Most dominant cans crusher with a three last fighters that barely can win a fight, he is sheep fuker at best :joy:

“Can crusher”

  • One of the longest UFC winstreaks ever
  • Record number of title defences at LW (the best division)
  • Only 29-0 in history, never got scratched

Face it, as a rat Conor fan, Khabib gave you PTSD on 6 October 2018 and you’ll haunt him until your dead.

9-0, the other 20 were nobodies :rofl:
your math is like, Dustin is good fighter, cuz he beat alcoholic conor, but conor sucks, gaythje goes through rail-coaster just to win a fight, and you add them as their are legit wins for kebab, but they barely win fights

cady heron math GIF

how many title defences? three? not even a double champ(too pussy to move up weight class) quits at 28yo to save his fake record, no 10 consistent title defences as true goat achieves, just a sheep lover


What’s the record for title defences at LW?

nobody gives a fuk about midgets so who knows :joy:

C’mon, duck the question you little rat :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

“Nobody cares about LW” - admitted Conor fanboy

:face_with_hand_over_mouth: Pathetic

islam dick rider :smile:

Khabib was part of the devolution. He brought back Mark Coleman era of dominance with one style


To be honest, its been in decline since PRIDE has gone

Definitely after the era of these Champs Aldo BJ Penn/Edgar GSP AS JBJ Cain, the nail in the coffin

And forced on us WMMA is the shitting/pissing on the grave thru the dirt

Its such a shame it was all taken for granted at the time

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And current day UFC gives us 3-4 decent cards a year and the rest are lifeless trash in the Apex lol

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To be honest, its been in decline since PRIDE has gone

The UFCs peak came after (and partly as a resul of) Prides death imo. That 2007-2011ish period. The peaks of Pride and the UFC never aligned with each other.


Yeah, PRIDE was epic & gone, then if you have to consider UFC having its own peak, it was that era, now it’s gone too

Its more MMA being amazing as a whole was during PRIDEs time

You dont know what the fuck youre talking about you fucking clown.

Is that why, when ever there’s been an open fight tourny in MMA, more times than not, the smallest fighters, from the lower weight classes, have won it all?

You dont know shit about fighting or what skill is

Fedor, the HW GOAT, who by your logic is the best fighter on earth in human history, because, “derp HW champion is always the best fighter derp,” was knocked out by a middleweight who got dominated by WW twinkboy Jake Shields

All the elite talent and skill in combat sports is at the lower weights

THE BEST fighters in the world are bar none at the lower weight classes

And ive seen it with my own eyes in boxing. Ive seen great lower weight class fighters, beat the fuck out of “champions” and “former champions” from weight classes 2 to 3 times bigger. Skill is what pays the bills

If there were an open weight tourney today to crown the best fighter on earth regardless of weight class, I bet you eveeything the winner would be from 145,155,or 170

The HWs would lose to the MWs and the MWs would lose to the WWs and LWs etc

You keep babbling on about Jones, like a deluded fagboy Jones shill who doesnt know shit about fighting, and YET Jones got his ass whopped by Thiago Santos, the same Thaigo Santos who got KOd by WW Vincente Luique. So like I said, if there were an open tourney with Jones in it, Jones would lose it. The fighter who beats Jones would end up losing to the lower weight class fighters

Really put things in perspective here. LHW was always such a shallow division that all it took to get a title shot at LHW was 1 win lmao. How many times did Jones “defend” his LHW belt vs fighters who were on no more than winning streaks of 2 wins or 3 wins at most lol. How many MWs did Jones defend vs AT LHW…“bu but LHW was so deep”…yeeeh, so deep that a good number of Jones’s title defenses were against MWs. Jones was the product of “right place right time.” He came along when everyone was old and undersized. The only other prospect who came up with Jones was Gustafsson, and suprise suprise Gustafsson in his prime whopped that over rated ass. That says it all

You want to bust your little nut to Jones, and yet the LW division has at least 10+ fighters who are all way more skilled than Jones could ever be

Theres like 15 “Jon Jones” level fighters at LW alone

To be a top 3 ranked LHW at LHW would be the equivalent of being top 50 at LW. Theres just no comparison. By the objevtive numbers alone theres no comparison. LW has 3x as much depth. It takes much more to break into the LW top 10, than any other division. Theres far many more LWs on the roster than any other division. LW is the gold standard of MMA. While in boxing the gold standard is 130 to 154

Ita rare for a big man (HW and LHW) to be skilled. And its even more rare for a big rare skilled big man to go into combat sports. So youre talking about very very tiny percentages overall.

Meanwhile because the average man is a LW, you are going to have a far greater number of lower weight class fighters meaning a far greater number of the world’s best athletes coming into combat sports at the lower weights

Jones doesnt even know how to throw a jab for crying out loud. He was nothing but eye pokes, knee kicks, and rioded out agression, which lead to his ability to “throw what ever he wanted with no fear”

The best fighter today is at 145. Volkanovski.

But if we are talking about “the best fighter” in terms of which fighter would win an open weight class tournament, than thats a LW bar none.

A prime Gsp could walk into an open weight tournament and wreck house. He beat Bisping and Bisping outboxed the fuck out of Anderson Silva

I guarantee you a LW fighter or WW fighter is winning an open weight tourney 9 out of 10 times

The most competition is at LW
The best talents are at LW
The most skill level is at LW
The best fighters in the world are 130 to 180 (combat sports)

Khabib wasnt talking about MMA declining in terms of talent you dumb fuck. So get the fuck out of here with your delusional narrative and misinterupting what Khabib said in order to push your bullshit. KHABIB WAS TALKING ABOUT MMA DECLINING IN TERMS OF STARS, BIG FIGHTS, AND EXCITEMENT. Khabib is right though, and his own waterboy Islam Bumachev is to blame!!! Hes a dry humping phaggot wrestler who brings 0 excitement

Well, Santos and Reyes already beat Jones, so already you failed your own question numbnuts

You obviously dont know shit about fighting

Jan was also a terrible match up for Jones and wouldve wrecked Jones hence why Jones ducked Jan. Think the Rockhold and Corey Anderson fights. Jan is a beast at countering long kickers, back stepping kicks, counter kicking, and making kickers believe he wants to trade kicks (with counter kicks and hip fients) when he suddenly steps into their return kick with a KO punch. Plus Jan was a tank inside. Jan wouldve fucked Jones up

Also, Jiri right now beats the fuck out of riod Jones any day of the week. Jones is overrated and struggles vs people his size/height/age.

Look what Gustafsson already did to Jones. Jiri would fuck Jones up.

Jiri has the length and jab of Gus, without the weak heart and bad ground game of Gus. Jiri fucks Jones 10/10 times. Jiri fights from ortho and southpaw too. That would negate Jones switching to keep it an opposite stance match up and that would fuck the alignment of Jones’s kicks. And if Jones takes Jiri down, Jiri is the greatest threat of anyone hes ever faced off his back. Jiri smashes Jones all day every day

Gus doesn’t have a weak heart? XD
Or what do you base that on

The fact Gus was a serial choke artist who gave up late in fights. Especially the Jones rematch which was 1 of the most disgraceful performances ive ever seen in my life. Gus got his paycheck and took a dive to come lay down for riod Jones