Khabib bros somewhere around Mecca (pic)

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There's a 100% chance these guys go gay with each other. Nobody holds another man like that platonically. Weird culture huh

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touch -
Oh See Mikey -

Russian Myles Jury with his hand down his pants

It feels good to be a double UFC champion

That's embarrassing posing with another man's belts.

touch -

Who is the dude wearing the brown shower curtain?

crudz -
touch -

Who is the dude wearing the brown shower curtain?

Russian Dillashaw

Osbot -
cantuna4u -

Khabib Bros somewhere else around Mecca…

And insert West Boro Baptist protestors pics, with slogans like “Thank God for dead soldiers!” “Obey and seek mercy!” “Ladies: Be modest, shamefaced and sober!”

If those were written in arabic, you’d never know the difference between Muslim radicals and christian radicals.

except for the single fact that those west boroughs types are not trying to remove your head from your shoulders while walking down a dark alley in the middle of suburbia. Islamic idiots not so much.

at least they arent all in a tiny tub this time. 


make sure we are touching!!

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ggh -
IronWill -

There's a 100% chance these guys go gay with each other. Nobody holds another man like that platonically. Weird culture huh

I am from Nigeria, and men take picture just like them lol, it is normal in africa, but for you american it looks gay. May be finding every thing gay is a complex or smthing ... 

Not American. Strange my Nigerian friends don't grope each other either. More power to ya


cantuna4u -

Khabib Bros somewhere else around Mecca…

not in Texas it won’t. I just saw a pic of Khabib and his Dad in Mecca wearing a Toyota shirt. lol

SomeoneToDoYourDirtyWork -
cantuna4u -

Khabib Bros somewhere else around Mecca…

not in Texas it won’t. I just saw a pic of Khabib and his Dad in Mecca wearing a Toyota shirt. lol

touch -

Great... The next generation.