Khabib bros somewhere around Mecca (pic)


it's so weird how much that one guy looks exactly like Robbie Lawler

Needs Brazzers logo 


Which one is his 'wife'?


OP loves following these guys.. see these posts from him every couple weeks..



Khabib Bros somewhere else around Mecca…


Russian Lawler has a twin??

What happens in Mecca, stays in Mecca. 


Was this pulled from his FBI file?

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cantuna4u -

Khabib Bros somewhere else around Mecca…

And insert West Boro Baptist protestors pics, with slogans like “Thank God for dead soldiers!” “Obey and seek mercy!” “Ladies: Be modest, shamefaced and sober!”

If those were written in arabic, you’d never know the difference between Muslim radicals and christian radicals.

Carl Sonnen -

The one thing I notice in almost all these pictures of Khabib and his mates is that they are putting their hands on each other in ways that Western men never would.  Its kind of creepy and weird, but I guess that's their culture?  Anyway....

They probably think it's weird that American and Canadian men slap each others asses when playing sports constantly.


Fucking boy lovers

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Osbot -
cantuna4u -

Khabib Bros somewhere else around Mecca…

And insert West Boro Baptist protestors pics, with slogans like “Thank God for dead soldiers!” “Obey and seek mercy!” “Ladies: Be modest, shamefaced and sober!”

If those were written in arabic, you’d never know the difference between Muslim radicals and christian radicals.

Yeah. They have an RPG shell with your name on it too buddy…

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Osbot -
cantuna4u -

Khabib Bros somewhere else around Mecca…

And insert West Boro Baptist protestors pics, with slogans like “Thank God for dead soldiers!” “Obey and seek mercy!” “Ladies: Be modest, shamefaced and sober!”

If those were written in arabic, you’d never know the difference between Muslim radicals and christian radicals.

Theres like 40 members in one group, more than 50 million in the other. Good point dipshit(sarcasm). You’re not enlightening anyone, take your child bride sympathy and false comparisons elsewhere. Allah doesnt think youre hot, theres no reason to be a beta white knight


Russian Myles Jury with his hand down his pants

Oh See Mikey -

Russian Myles Jury with his hand down his pants

It feels good to be a double UFC champion

touch -
Oh See Mikey -

Russian Myles Jury with his hand down his pants

It feels good to be a double UFC champion

Great...   Now innocent people will have UFC gold shrapnel wounds.  Thanks alot Connor and Al.

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