Khabib Has Old School Values & Deserves Respect

Khabib made it very clear that God, family and country are very important to him. Whether or not you believe in Islam you must believe people will react defensively if you trespass on what they hold sacred.

For example, when Fedor Emelianenko showed honor for the Russian flag and reverence for the Russian Orthodox Church by having a priest at ringside, thinking people respected with his values as deeply human and worthy of admiration. Especially since you don't see public expressions of faith that much these days in the secular West.

As a fighter, Khabib has stood the test of time and run the gauntlet undefeated. As a fight fan what's not to respect? His accomplishments speak for themselves.

Conor manned up and didn't press any charges against Khabib's guys for assault. He needs to shake off the ring rust, get back into the mix and avenge his loss to set the record straight on who is the best: Mystic Mac or Shish-Kabob...

What say you?

I'm kicking this post back into the mix for consideration...

Agreed OP. 

There are things more important than money, or even championships. 

Faith, family and country are among them...