Khabib's home village (pic)

Dryfly - Beautiful, but where are the damn trees?

I live at 6500 feet. Living there in and of itself will do nothing for your cardio.

Though starting here and going up to 11,000 feet gets me in shape far quicker, than running down in the valley at 4500 feet.

I lived at 6200 (lower part of town) and 7000+ feet (top of the pass) for many years and my son was born there. While there are some studies showing babies born at altitude having great blood oxygen levels I know many folks that are out of shape living up there. I think when it comes to ATHLETES in mountain towns the advantages are:

Built in mental and physical toughness from the environment.

Not much to do besides your sport(s)

Always training at altitude

A small community of hardcores that have been doing the above their whole lives who love to pass on the culture and skills to the next generation. 

There are many beasts to come out of environments like this. In the US it’s ski racers, snowboarders, endurance athletes. Obviously in Khabib’s neck of the woods it’s sambo/wrestling. 

touch -

local parking lot

that's the parking lot to the mens bath house

Looks like the perfect location for lashings, stonings , pedophelia and beheadings 

No wonder he said he doesn't give a fuck if he goes to prison or not for beating the shit out of McGregor. These ppl come from a different reality. That video DamnSevern posted is very informative. These ppl come from pain and war, they were bred in the struggle, surrounded by death and turmoil. Someone like that is at a different place mentally than most of us.. 

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DamnSevern -


Thanks for this..

Shugum -

Looks like the perfect location for lashings, stonings , pedophelia and beheadings 

Do you recognize your neighborhood?

I do. It's the one that lives in the 21st century and doesn't do any of the above. I recognize your moms neighborhood. It's the one with the house with a line of dudes all the way around the block to the front door