Kicked Ximo to the m'fn curb!!!

Damn over priced micro landscaper on kauai trying to charge my parents double on his yard work.
My mom axed his ass and went with another landscaper.(haole guy).
So this micro thinks just because he's 1 out of 5 micros that work he can charge a premium on his service lol
Thank cod kauai dont have a 7-11.

 they've infiltrated the garden isle. oh man. :-(

Maui must have a different breed of Micro because all the ones I have come in contact with work. Although it could be because they are sold into slavery to Maui Land and Pine. ML&P must throw bettle nut into a cage them lock them up for the night.

oh BIG time. Little fakas on batu and shit.

not nearly as bad as oahu but theyre out there.

 that's right, it's the fuggin pineapple bastards. they bring them in to work, and then when they go tits up--they don't ship them back.


*adds another name to the list*

ol'timer PI's make best yard guys FACT

 I just do my own yard work, cheapest way and great Zen workout!

agree with jjd, it's therapy for me
but the f*kin E10 gas ruined my weed wacker

jjd u aint 62 years old(he's only 51) and sitting on 3 acres to "mow" lol

mad tiger - jjd u aint 62 years old(he's only 51) and sitting on 3 acres to "mow" lol

 well fly home once in a while and mow the damn acres for cod sake.. After all your parents changed your damn diapers when you were growing up, so you owe in my book!! :)


*and by the way, you always tell everbody I'm 62!

this one does good work. cheaper too.