Kimbo on UFC LHW division!?

supersaiyan - yeha yeah ...u guys know that Seth fight was a joke ass fluke me...kimbo would break his face. i mean gee ..who doesnt have a lost at some point or another?

u guys dont really wanna a rematch do u? no...i dont think so. i guess u guess forgot the guys he BEAT tho hmmm? could Seth beat James tHompson? NO

Seth would humiliate Kimbo again. And yes he would beat Thompson too.

LittleJoeMama - 
supersaiyan - yeha yeah ...u guys know that Seth fight was a joke ass fluke me...kimbo would break his face. i mean gee ..who doesnt have a lost at some point or another?

u guys dont really wanna a rematch do u? no...i dont think so. i guess u guess forgot the guys he BEAT tho hmmm? could Seth beat James tHompson? NO

Seth would humiliate Kimbo again. And yes he would beat Thompson too.

lol ok man ... i hope they have a rematch so badly sooon as kimbo lands a hit...its over!!!

that could be said for alot of them. the over hype has nothing to do with him...its the asstards in public forums and media doin that. why is his background any different than others who where street thugs. is TAnk a REAL mma fighter pro?? what if he was a piano player - would u say he is a overhyped pianist??!??

all those guys by your standards are over hype..its marketing that sells the name into the limelight. kimbo never ever said "hey look at me look at me "!

unlike cock lesbian " here i am GRRRRROwwwlll hulk smash!!