Kimbo on UFC LHW division!?

I tried to find just the interview clip itself but all I could find is MMA live video where Kmbo says the UFC LHW division has alot of talented guys to fight. Does this mean he will be moving to LHW after the TUF finale? I would guess if he loses the show he will eventually make the move down. He has a LHW body type anyway.

Six mins. in is his interview.

 Isn't he close to 240 and lean?

 Although I guess if Mike Kyle can make it so can Kimbo.

i believe his raw walking wweight is 250 ...came training time in his mma fights he was around 230... its a good chance if he walking around NOW at 230 he would likely be lhw at 221lbs... he has 6-7 weeks of traininig left from now to sept 16 ...there is really no way i can see him maintaining hwt status come that time.

he will burn another 10lbs easily in no time with MMA training.

supersaiyan - i believe his raw walking wweight is 250 ...came training time in his mma fights he was around 230... its a good chance if he walking around NOW at 230 he would likely be lhw at 221lbs... he has 6-7 weeks of traininig left from now to sept 16 ...there is really no way i can see him maintaining hwt status come that time.

he will burn another 10lbs easily in no time with MMA training.

 I was of the understanding that the UFC had a minimum weight limit to avoid having fighters dropping weight.

Kimbo is a HW, there's no way he could make 205.

I suppose he could make LHW with a lot of work but he's not small, he's got a heavyweight build.

Brock Lesnar vs Kimbo Slice= MINDBLOWN


"It's much easier to simply fight smaller guys!"

And it works out so well for all these champions who used to just be contenders in other weight classes!

I'm not saying he should! Honestly I really don't give a damn, but just the way he says it in the interview makes it seem as he has intentions on doing it!

really? damn he going to hurt those 205 lbs guys then...its going to be a nightmare for them.



than me later Joe Silva

Past experience proves Kimbo is at his best fighting LHWs.

cut that fucking bird's nest out of his chin and he'd probably drop 20 pounds immediately.

then pull that chunk of dark matter out of his belly button and he'd probably make MW

Bas said he dropped the former King of the Hobo League because he didn't have the work ethic, and you guys think he can cut down to 205lbs? Not gonna happen.

I bet he gets/got ko'd in his first TUF fight very quickly.

Good thing he didn't say the lightweight division had talented guys because he would probably die trying to make weight!

darkborne - 
supersaiyan - really? damn he going to hurt those 205 lbs guys then...its going to be a nightmare for them.

Yeah, because he really gave that last lhw a ton of trouble lol

Ha! I totally forgot Seth was a LHW when I made this thread! HAHAHAHAHA!

yeha yeah ...u guys know that Seth fight was a joke ass fluke me...kimbo would break his face. i mean gee ..who doesnt have a lost at some point or another?

u guys dont really wanna a rematch do u? no...i dont think so. i guess u guess forgot the guys he BEAT tho hmmm? could Seth beat James tHompson? NO

isnt forrest 250lbs? its possible to make from that weight it just depends on if he can handle it or not

Hired Gun - Bas said he dropped the former King of the Hobo League because he didn't have the work ethic, and you guys think he can cut down to 205lbs? Not gonna happen.

I bet he gets/got ko'd in his first TUF fight very quickly.

 It can't be that quick or easy as there's footage on the commerical of him absolutely jacking someone.

Very possible for Kimbo to do it. If he does though he loses all his draw though.