Kimmons vs. Yundt GIF

I'm no expert but this looked like a pretty avoidable submission to me

Hmm yeah I didn't think anyone really cared

Sorry Pav, your guy should watch his back for the next week or two

To be honest, nice MMA set up to guillotine...Grappling is not MMA. He set the choke up with punches. MMA 101. Good job.

He launched into that guillotine fuckin quick!


 yeah i agree....getting socked in the face tends to make you lose focus

 TTT for the Rosedale Reaper!

thats 2 times that yundt has been subbed by a guillo, maybe he should learn the defence

TTT for Rob!!! Congrats on the win, Buddy!!!

Ive seen Kimmons fight a couple times and he is tough as hell. He will def. shake things up in the middle weight div.

I don't think we are going to see Yundt at the UFC anymore.

Kimmons is for real.

walbjj - thats 2 times that yundt has been subbed by a guillo, maybe he should learn the defence

How??...Have someone sit there and pound ya in the grill to try to knock out and then quickly turn it into a guillo...

I dont think theres really defense for that...I can see if the dude had the back or was already tryin for a sub but thats pretty hard to figure out whats going on when ya are getting drilled in the face...

 Great win for Rob, and perfect debut fight in the UFC.  Congrats.




Awesome debut submission for Rob. Highlight reel move. I hope he goes a long way in the UFC.

 Umm... can you name a submission that is NOT avoidable?

What exactly about that gif lends you to believe the submission was "avoidable"?


 LOL @ Dana swinging an axe.

Sandy is correct.
